Cute, it works (see output) but...
I have a 3-head machine (3 videocards and 3 monitors).

The middle monitor don't work because of: edgy broke Xorg drivers.

The left and right screen work.

Now when I start gcompris, it appears in the middle of the total screen
- i.e. one half on the left screen and one half on the right screen.

I would like the possibility to move gcompris to only one screen.

Cheers !

$ gcompris -x

** (gcompris:18269): WARNING **: config_file /home/ace/.gcompris/gcompris.conf
** Message: gcompris_set_locale ''

** (gcompris:18269): WARNING **: Requested locale '' got 'en_US.UTF-8'
Opened audio at 44100 Hz 16 bit stereo, 2048 bytes audio buffer
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: Module gnome.canvas is deprecated; please 
import gnomecanvas instead
sdlplayer_bg /usr/share/gcompris/boards/music/background/glockenschmoutz.ogg

gcompris won't start

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