I think I may have found the cause of the wlassistant not working in
Edgy. I have noticed the same problem as well, but I didn't use
wlassistant to configure my connection. I just edited the
/etc/network/interfaces file so the wifi part reads:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
wireless-key XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

This worked just fine in Dapper, however when I booted in Edgy, although
my wifi device was detected, it did not connect to the network. However,
when I reboot and use the Dapper kernel, wifi works just fine. This
would suggest the problems with the kernel and not with wlassistant.
Hope this helps in resolving this bug!

wireless assisant does not connect in edgy

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