There are two types of PXE-based installs: those that use internet
mirrors, and those that use a local mirror with files taken from
installation media (tipically a mounted .iso file available on a local
http server)

The PXE installer, however, always checks on-line for an updated list of
packages, and assumes your local mirror will be up-to-date with security
updates. It fails when it finds the old versions of packages.

One way to instruct the installer not to use the updated list is to
prevent the box being installed from accessing the internet. This can be
done by feeding it a bogus router on the DHCP configuration, like this:

 host being_installed {
   hardware ethernet 00:12:34:56:78:9A;
   filename "netboot/pxelinux.0";
   option routers;

Please close. (As well as #51062).

PXE install wants wrong file version

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