>This is the error that caused the trouble:
>2006-10-29 11:50:32,261 ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: 
>'nfs-kernel-server': 'subprocess >post-installation script returned error exit 
>status 1

Nope. As the bug title suggests, it was around

2006-10-29 11:17:00,081 ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: 'gnat-gps-
doc': 'subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1

about three  quarters of an hour earlier. (From what I've seen elsewhere
since, maybe install-info barfed?)

The one you found was one place where it lost sync.

And what losing sync means ... umm, just what it says. Not "crash" - when I 
mean crash, I say crash. But you're right about the config file dialog ... or 
the above-mentioned error popup.

In case of the error popup, the install just went on at high speed while
I was still staring at the popup; then after I finally made the popup go
away (after first starting the browser and beginning this bug report),
it then seemed to first notice that a great many messages had gone by

The second was, IIRC, a config file dialog, that came up rather late so
I had already started to try to handle the file via the terminal window;
then after I don't exactly remember what sequence of events the popup-
terminal I/O obviously went out of sync leading to that error message -
the package installed without a hitch later. Which is why I said this
seems to be fragile - it's too easy to confuse it. I suspect you're
using something like expect to convert the text I/O to the popup? Seems
like a bad idea to me.

Incidentally, from the bug history you can see that the upgrade finished
at about 12:23 CET.

So, two problems: the original in gnat-gps-doc, and then the one in the
update-manager that caused the problem installing nfs-kernel-server.

Congratulations! You reassigned the bug to the only package of the three
which doesn't have a problem.

nfs-kernel-server postinst fails on dapper->edgy upgrade

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