Hi Myriam,

I've asked my wife is she could manage to be in town on the 2nd and take my 
son to school in the morning, so I could get an early train to Bern and be 
there for most of the day (leave in time to pick him up) to help with the 
booth.  I'll let you know what she says (she is travelling these two weeks, 
so we talk sporadically).

take care,


Randy Earl
+41 79 776 9414
On Wednesday 14 January 2009 20:15:50 Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi all,
> Happy New Year everybody!
> Let's hope everybody has refueled their batteries as there is a lot of
> work waiting for us this year again :)
> 1. OpenExpo
> I registered a booth for the OpenExpo fair in Bern. It will be held on
> 1. + 2. April 2009 in the BEA expo halls and I would love to have some
> company at the booth during these two days. I set up a page for this
> event: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/OpenExpo/Bern09, so please
> join the party and tell me ASAP if you will be amongst the booth
> people. FYI, Canonical Marketing Director Andrew Rodaway will be at
> OpenExpo with a talk, so it's also a great occasion to get in touch
> with people from the firm behind Ubuntu :)
> If you still hesitate, the catering during this fair is well worth a
> trip to Bern on these dates :)
> 2. Jaunty Jackalope Release Party
> The next K/X/Ubuntu release 9.04, codename Jaunty Jackalope, is
> planned for release on 23. April 2009. So of course there is another
> party to throw! Please, all interested, join us on IRC on
> * Monday, 26. January 2009, in #ubuntu-ch on IRC*
> I already set up a wiki page for the planning, please have a look and
> make your suggestions. Please be realistic in your propositions and
> for those with a lot of ideas: keep in mind that ideas are always
> welcome, but we would also have people who realise these ideas, and
> this is hardly possible with volunteers.
> We need suggestions for:
> * Dates:  2-3 weeks after release has proven to be a good choice
> * Location(s): everybody who comes up with a location suggestion is
> asked to kindly provide some additional work in further organisation,
> i.e. if you want to suggest a party in one particular place, make sure
> you are able to attend and help with the organisation too, else it's
> simply a loss of time, as we simply can't be everywhere at the same
> time, and those great, enthusiastic, but unfortunately also very few
> people who have been organising parties till now know what we are
> talking about...
> * Posters: I will ask our artist from last time if she could provide
> us again with a great poster and flyer design, but these posters and
> flyers have to be printed and spread, so volunteers will be needed for
> that.
> * Sponsors: if you have an idea about companies we could ask, hot
> connections in FOSS companies or work in such a marvelous place, step
> forward and help us with getting "some monnies" needed for catering,
> printing, location, etc. We do not need much, but these three points
> are essential. Of course they will have their place set on the posters
> and flyers and of course the wiki page of the party.
> * Manpower: the more we are the merrier! This also means less work for
> the individuals as we can share tasks and of course we can have even
> more fun :)
> Looking forward to see you on Monday 26th!
> Greetings
> Myriam
> --
> Protect your freedom and join the Fellowship of FSFE for 2009:
> http://www.fsfeurope.org/2009
> Please don't send me proprietary file formats,
> use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)

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