On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 18:21, Philipp Gassmann <phi...@wmail.ch> wrote:
> Hi
> I doubt heavily that every Swiss will recognise "Ubuntu pro omnibus, omnes
> pro Ubuntu" as being a reference to the swiss "slogan". First: Almost nobody
> knows Latin. 2nd: You don't learn that in School (at least i didn't and I
> finish Kantonsschule this year) 2. "All for one, one for all is" is
> associated with the three musketeers,  more than with the swiss motto

That's why I suggested our motto (the one on the wiki) instead. Also,
as the poster will be at the booth, we will be there to explain it.
And yes, Alexandre Dumas unfortunately "stole" the motto, I learned it
in elementary school as being the words said in 1291 on the Rütli :-)
But then, I also learned Wilhelm Tell and Winkelried to have been
historical figures and not legends...

> But anyways: It's a nice idea. One could create an image of the three
> founders of Switzerland standing on the Ubuntu-Logo (with the flag in the
> midst) and holding their hands up to swear. The slogan in each language (on
> separate posters) would then be recognised by the people.

Well, rather not, we have a very nice logo and I don't think we should
overdo it with the "historical" hints. Also, we only have space for
one poster, this would really be too much. I think there's enough
space on a A1 poster for more than one language.

Greets, Myriam.

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