
> I always wonder how Facebook is able to uglify images that much. And in
> general I would also prefer to support an open solution like diaspora.

Why not support several solutions? :)

I am very in favor of the Ubuntu facebookpage. I'm not very fond of
Facebook, but it is a great way to promote something. Actually I
probably would have deleted my Facebook account long time ago, if it
weren't such a great place for promoting things. Ubuntu has gone a way
of supporting software even if it is not free, e.g. by providing an
easy way to install proprietary hardware drivers. And it seems to work
- people like it very much. The same should count for promotion - if
people like the Facebook page and it can help the Ubuntu CH team, then
do it. People that use Diaspora will probably also use mailing lists.
The goal of creating a Facebook Page is to reach people that are not
techies and don't know all those "Facebook alternatives".

Btw, even Debian - which would be more likely than Ubuntu to not
support Facebook - is using Facebook as a way of promotion[1]. And
they have 70'000 likers. Same thing counts for Ubuntu[2], with 350'000


PS: I don't think it's the fault of Facebook that the Logo looks ugly.
Please re-try by uploading a downscaled version.

[1] https://www.facebook.com/debian
[2] https://www.facebook.com/ubuntulinux

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