Hello Lucas, 

Le vendredi 05 octobre 2012 à 12:19 +0200, Lucas Betschart a écrit :
> Good morning,
> At our (the german-speaking swiss community's) monthly meeting in
> Zurich, Marcus appointed me as the new LoCo Team Contact.
> If there are no objections I will over take this job.

Thanks for taking this task, inform us if you decided to travel.

> We have planned some activities for the german speaking part of
> Switzerland, which may also be an option for the french / italian
> speaking region, if there is somebody willing to start it.
> To better communicate our activies as a LoCo to the rest of the world,
> we've planned to setup a LoCo blog in english, where people from all 4
> language regions will be able to write news.
> More information will follow.

It's really a good decision to go back with English, this may help us to
contribute more (French/Italian/Romansh speaking region). I was before
involved on the SwissLinux forum, but then I have seen that to
contribute more I should be near canton VS or VD. So I know it's not
easy to talk/write English but it's the only possibility to stay united.

> If you have any ideas or complains for our LoCo, feel free to send me
> an email (lucasbetsch...@gmail.com).
> Best regards,
> Lucas Betschart

Best regards,


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