
Au niveau politique, le lobbying auprès des autorités législatives s'organise dans le cadre du Groupe parlementaire pour une durabilité numérique: parldigi <>.

En tant que membre francophone du comité de /ch/open <>, je suis à disposition pour relayer toute proposition allant dans le même sens.


François Marthaler
Président du Conseil d'administration
Why! open computing SA
Rte de Renens 4
+41 21 661 22 22
+41 79 750 75 26

Le 12. 04. 14 15:14, Gilles Tournier a écrit :
Hello Swiss members !

I thought I'd address you all a copy of an article I have just written for FCM (Full Circle Magazine), because this topic is not known even among Ubuntu/Linux users or Open Source activists. It shows that a new political awareness is emerging in France and in other EU countries as well regarding proprietary software, customers' rights and the bad practices of the computer industry. I have not investigated what the situation is in Switzerland about this matter and if there is any political lobbying in Bern about this issue; but perhaps someone in this list has a better knowledge of this and could give us more informations.

Wishing you all a nice weekend

G. Tournier

Ubuntu-ch mailing list

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