<quote who="Henrik Nilsen Omma">

> The ubuntu title font package is currently in Universe. Could/should it be
> installed on the system by default?

It really shouldn't be on the system by default. It's a little bit silly
that we have it in the archive at all, but hey. May as well version it by
our packaging standards. ;-)

> The example content files I'm preparing now would certainly look much
> better if that were the case. I can't really find any other heading fonts
> that look as nice in documents presenting Ubuntu.

I'd recommend Bitsream Vera Sans Bold, or using vector output or glyph
embedding in documents such as PDF, etc. Makes them bigger, but saves you
cross-platform. When it comes to stuff like OpenOffice.org files, you really
have to stick to the standard fonts. Ideally, we want these files to be used
across other operating systems too.

- Jeff

FISL 7.0: Porto Alegre, Brazil        http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/7.0/www/
     "It doesn't matter if it is good, it only matters if it rocks." -
                        Tenacious D, Rock Your Socks

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