Thilo Six wrote the following on 21.02.2007 21:29:
> Sebastien Bacher wrote the following on 20.02.2007 22:55:
> <snip>
>>  That's a good opportunity for you to point out problems that you
>> would like to get fixed, to give a hand to make that happen, and to get
>> a really rocking feisty desktop!
> I have tested feisty and there are 3 issues i came across
> 1. desktop switcher in gnome does not let you add or remove desktops with the
> up and down arrows in the config menu (with right click)
> adding a specific number works though.
> 2. linux-generic + nividia-glx
> does not work
> nvidia-glx pulls in in linux-386 which does not boot here
> 3. setting a resolution on console is broken somehow
> i get used to add vga=0x317 to kernel opts.
> but this prevents X from starting (and makes the beautiful usplash misplaced
> but thats minor to me)
> 2 and 3 are essential for my personal usage

just forget:

4. gaim does not get online
in status line : online, waiting for net
but as you can read i am connected to the iNet.
This is with 3 accounts activated
pls. note i use pppoe and there for nm-applet is quite useless (if it is
needed for gaim)

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

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