(Apologies for the lateness of this mail.)

For minutes of previous meetings, please see

== Present ==

 * Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
 * Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Michael Vogt (mvo)
 * Mirco Müller (MacSlow)
 * Ted Gould (ted)

 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Pedro Villavicencio Garrido (pedro_)

== Agenda ==

 * Review activity reports
 * Compiz integration issues
 * Desktop seed changes
 * Hardy QA list
 * Any other business

== Activity reports ==

=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===

 * I've spent most of the time packaging KDE 4.0 snapshot and final
 * helped with libungif -> libgif transition
 * Kubuntu meeting (2 new members)
 * Archive admin

next week:

 * KDE 4.0
 * KDE Release Event

=== Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) ===

 * UbuntuSpec:hardy-theme
 * UbuntuSpec:hardy-icon-theme
 * UbuntuSpec:art-team

=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===

Hardy spec assignments:
 * restricted-manager-rewrite: upstream trunk has become useful now,
ported most of the important features; created ubuntu branch with Ubuntu
specific bits (OSLib and handlers); biggest blocker is now to find a
good name, suggestions highly appreciated; no progress from Martin Bohm
with the KDE port, but talked to him today
 * policykit-integration: remaining open question is the admin group vs.
sudoers evaluation, sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I tend towards the group solution,
Jamie Strandboge agrees (good reply, thanks). Remaining TODO is
providing the libpam-foreground functionality into ConsoleKit (upstream
wants to do that anyway, but we need it soon; see LP#172814)
 * hardy-reducing-duplication: killed db4.[34], db4.5 will go away once
OO.o builds. db4.2 is needed by openldap and is hard; also killed
libgksu1.2 and libneon{25,26}; did some work on dropping tcl8.3; that's
all of the low-hanging fruit
 * partition-management: no progress this week
Unfixed milestoned bugs:
 * 147800, 152537, 155530 (bugs in cupsys apparmor profile,
gutsy-updates): fix in gutsy-propopsed, needs verification
 * 172835 (dapper->hardy upgrade dbus reload fails, hardy-beta): no time
 * 172814 (dbus at_console needs to work with ConsoleKit, hardy-beta):
in progress, see above

 * blocked on testing feedback from Marc

Other notable things:
 * PostgreSQL security updates and dapper backport

=== Michael Vogt (mvo) ===

==== Compiz ====
 * updated to current git
 * debug/workaround bug in window decorations with nvidia (and report
the problem upstream
 * debug/fix bug in xslt transformation code in the gconf schema
generation and send patch upstream (this bug killed the Extra Effects
 * experiment with setting the decorator command via the dbus plugin to
deal better with multiple displays

==== Apt ====
 * work on AptAuthenticationReliabilty spec, created
apt-authentication-reliablity bzr branch
 * fix nasty bug in the apt immediate configuration code (that took a
bit, the ordering code is not a nice place)
 * merge the apt--DoListUpdate branch that supports a generic way to do
apt-get update like operations for all frontends, port
synpatic/python-apt to it. it also support
APT::Update::{Pre,Post}-Update script hooks
 * debug problem under certain upgrade scenarios where the ordering
algorithm is incorrect (reproducable with libglib2.0-0 and gconf2 on a
huge dapper->hardy upgrade) - no solution yet, the ordering code is

==== PackagingTools ====
 * work on the PackagingToolsUsability spec
 * fix crash in g-ai- codec search
 * make update-notifier use the icon theme and display a different icon
if security updates are available
 * detect outdated repository information (required the
apt--DoListUpdate branch) and show in u-m when the last update was
 * try harder to fix broken dependencies in u-m
 * merge g-a-i with debian
 * new g-a-i data update for alpha-3

==== Upgrades ====
 * work on the upgrade tester 
 * debug/fix problem where update-manager wanted to remove firefox and
openoffice after a upgrade from gutsy->hardy as obsolete (turns out that
the problem was that gutsy-security has newer versions than hardy)
 * SRU request to upload a update-manager that is capable of performing
LTS upgrades to dapper-proposed

==== misc ====
 * mail/bugtriage
 * generate/upload translated package descriptions for hardy (took
longer than hoped because of rosetta bug #157528)
 * sponsoring (vte, aptoncd, metacity, ...)
 * update command-not-found data for alpha-3

=== Mirco Müller (MacSlow) ===

==== spec-related work ====
 * started implementing UbuntuSpec:hardy-sparkle
 * learned how very scanty rhythmbox (rb) plugin-development is
 * started salvaging information how to add UI-elements to rb and
interact with it from a plugin
 * learned that CD-cover retrieval with rb-plugin artdisplay cannot
interface with sparkle
 * rb-developers asked me to fill in rb's wiki on plugin-development...

==== misc ====
 * holiday
 * wrote patch for GtkEntry-widget for Murrine gtk-theme engine, sent
 * reading up on GObject to make sense of rhythmbox-plugin development
 * still trying to get widget-drawing-redirection with GL to work on
intel (i915, i965)

=== Ted Gould ({ted}) ===

==== Packaging ====
      * Packaged up GPM 2.21.1

==== Specs ====
      * UbuntuSpec:exit-strategy : Gave up looking for an editable
version of the spec.  pdf2txt.  pain.  Now mostly in x.org wiki. Working
on completing and adding in Dan's comments.
      * UbuntuSpec:screensaver-review : Waiting on feedback.
      * UbuntuSpec:about-this-computer : Continuing to develop the small
application.  Good feedback from ubuntu-desktop list.  Fixed i18n, video
and LVM bugs.

==== Misc ====
      * Uploaded iPod experiences.  My iPod may be too new to expect it
to work reasonably.  Looking to borrow an older iPod.
      * Discussion on the GNOME Screensaver list about Sun wanting to
change things for their PAM implementation.  May help with some of our
exit-strategy goals, and they're willing to commit developers.  Watching
closely and contributing our requirements :)
      * Promoted SCALE talk to Loco-us-ca... guess I need to write it
now :)
      * Moving to Texas this summer.  I'll be two timezones closer to
most of ya'll.
      * Vacation at the end of Dec.

== Compiz integration issues ==

seb128 raised the issue of the number of compiz integration problems
that are currently known and asked who on the Desktop Team is
responsible for solving them.  He was directed at mvo and MacSlow, and
told that Keybuk was willing to review the list and ensure that the
items on it were not dropped.

== Desktop seed changes ==

The GNOME 2.22 module list has been published, and there have been a few
recent mailing list threads suggesting changes in our default
applications - seb128 asked for consensus on each of the decisions.

=== brasero (CD-burning application) ===

The application was reviewed and compared to our existing applications,
consensus was that brasero would replace serpentine in our default
application set as it is more like what users will look for, but at this
time we will not replace the use of nautilus-cd-burner for the default
data cd action.

=== transmission-gtk (Bittorrent client) ===

It was felt that this was a generally better bittorrent client, and more
like what users would expect to see, so the existing gnome-btdownload
package would be replaced by transmission-gtk.

=== seahorse (GNOME Keyring Manager) ===

The original upstream `gnome-keyring-manager` has been replaced by
Seahorse, which is also able to handle GPG and SSH keys.  While it was
felt that this was a somewhat "niche" application, we require something
like it in order to be able to change or remove Network Manager network

pitti raised a concern that the package was somewhat large, but on a
brief review, it was noticed that there was much duplication within it
and that the binaries themselves were suspiciously large suggesting
static linking of a common library.

Consensus was that if the package size issue is corrected, it could
enter desktop.

ACTION: pitti/seb128 to investigate seahorse package size and reduce it
so it can be seeded.

=== vinagre (VNC Client) ===

Vinagre is a GTK+ 2 VNC client, and as such a much better fit for our
desktop than xvnc4viewer which has many issues.  Since we ship vino (VNC
Server) by default, we felt we should ship a VNC Client too and thus
consensus was to switch to vinagre.

=== f-spot (Photo Manager) ===

f-spot provides a very good "fresh" photo management experience,
allowing users to tag, search and modify photographs in interesting
ways.  The "open a folder and browse" user story is already largely
fulfilled by nautilus and eog.  Recognising that photo management is
important to us, consensus was to promote f-spot to desktop so that it
is automatically installed and remove gthumb since its user stories are
fulfilled by either f-spot or nautilus/eog.

== GUADEC ==

Keybuk asked for volunteers to attend GUADEC (7th-12th July, Istanbul,
Turkey), interested team members should let him know as soon as

== Hardy QA list ==

pedro_ reminded the team to review the Hardy QA list
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=qa-hardy-list) and
ensure that the developers give feedback where necessary.  If you think
that something ought not to be there, untag and comment why, otherwise
untag and milestone or not depending on what's decided.

seb128 asked about bugs that are already milestoned, pedro_ confirmed
that the tag can simply be removed.

Scott James Remnant

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