For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/DevelopmentMeeting.

== Present ==

 * Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Michael Vogt (mvo)
 * Mirco Müller (MacSlow)
 * Ted Gould (tedg)

 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Colin Watson (cjwatson)
 * Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
 * Matthew Zimmerman (mdz)

== Apologies ==

 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) - attending KDE 4.0 Release Event
 * Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) - ill

== Agenda ==

 * Outstanding actions from last meeting
 * MIR for main promotions
 * Keep tracker enabled for LTS?
 * Sprint planning
 * Usplash
 * LTS status
 * Review activity reports
 * Any other business

== Outstanding actions from last meeting ==

ACTION: pitti/seb128 to investigate seahorse package size and reduce it so it 
can be seeded.
  A mere rebuild reduces the size by 2MB by enabling fdups to symlink duplicate 
files together, the remaining issue is the use of a static libseahorse.a by all 
of the programs which is large enough to need to be a shared library.  Added to 
sprint agenda to be solved there.

ACTION: GUADEC and LCA attendance requests
  Two requests for GUADEC and one for LCA received so far; deadline for LCA is 
now, and nobody else volunteered - deadline for GUADEC requests are next week.

== MIR for main promotions ==

seb128 asked whether the main promotions discussed last week should have MIR, 
pitti felt they should at least have bugs and that he checked the packages 
himself and they were ok.

ACTION: seb128 to file necessary bugs

== Keep tracker enabled for LTS? ==

mdz has asked whether we should keep tracker enabled by default for the LTS 
release given that the user experience is currently not ideal.  seb128 
indicated that user feedback has been generally good, and after a short 
discussion of mdz's problems, it could have been that he had at some point 
during gutsy development opened deskbar-applet's preferences before the switch 
was made to live search by default (thus saving the preferences so they 
wouldn't be migrated).

The desktop search experience will be reviewed at the sprint to ensure that 
we're not using a lot of the user's computer power for something that does not 
give them a benefit.

== Sprint planning ==

Reminder was issued to ensure any plans for the sprint are added to the agenda. 
 Time will be taken to speak to each team member about spec progress and 8.10 

== Usplash ==

Previous calls for volunteers to maintain this had been met with silence, so a 
further call was made.  Pitti indicated that he had touched it last, and 
MacSlow expressed some interest in the graphics parts and in future 
development.  Looking through it added to the sprint agenda.

ACTION: pitti and MacSlow to add themselves as usplash bug contacts.

== LTS status ==

seb128 confirmed that the new gdm will not be ready in time for 8.04 LTS, and 
MacSlow concurred that the specs were targeted for 8.10 now.

seb128 also mentioned that the gvfs-enabled nautilus is on shaky ground at the 
moment (discussed in this week's platform team meeting) and asked whether it 
would impact any of the desktop team's work.

== Activity reports ==

=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===

 * UbuntuSpec:kubuntu-hardy-kde4
 * UbuntuSpec:kubuntu-hardy-catchup

=== Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) ===

 * tweaked color palette a bit more

 * created window mockups (different colors, amounts of transaparence, window 
buttons, etc). Will be ready for sprint

 * worked on icon for Sparkle plugin

 * led art team meeting

 * compiling list of icons needing improvement, missing, etc.

=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===

==== Hardy spec assignments ====
 * policykit-integration: ConsokeKit now writes /var/run/consoe/<user> tags 
(like pam_console), libpam-foreground demoted; spec is now implemented

 * restricted-manager-rewrite: currently at porting the smaller features; code 
is reaching maturity, expected first upload next week during the sprint; still 
no progress from Martin Bohm with the KDE port

 * hardy-reducing-duplication: db4.5 and neon26 removal pending on build 
success of OO.o on sparc (gcc segfaulted, I retried it on another buildd); 
removed postgresql-8.1, rebuilt a couple of packages against libpq5

 * partition-management: not started; low-prio spec, scheduled for after sprint
==== Unfixed milestoned bugs ====
 * 172835 (dapper->hardy upgrade dbus reload fails, beta): no time yet
 * 177141 (no restricted-manager on Hardy CDs, alpha-4): no time yet, will fix 
while I upload first version of driver-manager
 * 174128 (dhcp3 debconf question during upgrade, beta): no time yet
 * 22623 (CD-ROMs not mounted with UTF-8, beta): not started
 * 177072 (AUDIODEV should be exported when using pulseaudio, final): no time 

==== Dapper.2 ====
 * testing & certification finished, CD images prepublished
 * needs someone with quagga experience to check the version in -proposed 
(#48848), contacted \sh and infinity; no feedback so far
 * release currently planned for Monday afternoon London time

==== Other ====
 * Updated PolicyKit to 0.7, spent some hours on debugging and fixing it
 * some bug fixing in python-distutils-extra
 * cut a large dent into my bugs folder, started major bug triage
 * cleared my sponsoring queue (I am now doing about three per day; seems that 
the number of contributors starts to rise faster now, which is a great thing!)

Random whine/straw poll of the day: I spent more than 9 hours this week on 
email, and this is not excessively above the average (and I still have a 
backlog). Is that as bad for other people, or am I doing something wrong?

=== Michael Vogt (mvo) ===

==== Compiz ====
 * Rename compizconfig-backend-{gconf,kconfig} to match debians names
 * upload some new git snapshots
 * looked into a workaround for the problem that 3d DRI windows draw over 
anything on the screen, the idea that we (amaranth, onestone, me) came up with 
was to add regular XWindow/XShapes on top of the glx window bit that is hidden
 * created testcode to see if glx window worksaround would work and indeed it 
 * test glxclip plugin that does the above (written by onestone)
 * the missing piece now is a way to detect creation and deletion of glx 
windows, I have a patch for libmesa that can detect creation just fine, but 
deletion is a problem. doing it one the xserver is probably the right answer, 
but the code is not exactly easy to follow (especially the DRI bits)

==== Apt ====
 * discussed with dburrows about porting aptitude to the ListUpdate interface 
in libapt
 * debug mirror method failure with salgado
 * review/test/upload aut-authentication reliability
 * work on the AptArchiveKeySignatures and add the master key checking, for the 
next steps I need a export of the current signing key to a stable location on 
archive.u.c (RT ticket filed for this)
 * discuss a way to store private authentication tokens in apt (with cprov for 
private PPAs), test reported problem about https simple auth handling

==== Upgrades ====
 * better duplicate detection in apport integration on install failures
 * better fallback behavior if sources.list contains unreachable entries

==== Misc ====
 * upload new apturl (description+http proxy support)
 * ported update-notifier to the new glib/gio interface and created a branch 
for it
 * sponsoring

=== Mirco Müller (MacSlow) ===

==== spec-related work (sparkle) ====
 * getting cover-image of currently played song finally works..., the cube is only a stand-in for 
the real layout until remaining boilerplate-issues are fixed

 * learned that current design of rhythmbox is unable to retrieve non-played 
songs/URIs, that needs additional work outside of sparkle itself (likely 
artdisplay-plugin needs to be extended, but upstream is a bit slow to provide 
helpful hints what best suggested practice would be)

 * sparkle is able to work with any source in rhythmbox (e.g. local songs, 
podcasts, internet-radio)

 * identified bug in artdisplay-plugin not preserving alpha-channel of 
dropped/assigned cover-image (filed upstream-bug

==== spec-related work (gdm-face-browser) ====
 * wrote countdown-widget to help polish cheese before feature-freeze (sent 
upstream and accepted)

==== misc ====
 * patch for rhythmbox to enable browser by default for external player sources 
(e.g. iPod) turned out to not work, although even upstream rb-developers 
thought it should work (upstream bug

=== Ted Gould (tedg) ===
==== Specs ====
 * UbuntuSpec:screensaver-review : Discussed with Scott, looking at bringing 
more preferences out for advanced users.  Allow for people to "trick their 

==== Misc ====
 * Created a basis for capturing current user experiences in the Wiki.  
Hopefully the instructions and template will allow for outside contribution.  
Still beta, announce shortly.
 * Working on submission for Ubuntu Live
 * Starting to bring together Ubuntu SCALE talk
 * Misc prep for sprint
 * Martin, yes I spend a crazy amount of time on e-mail also.  I thought I lost 
my virtual folders in Evolution this week with the Hardy upgrade -- major 
stress.  Fortunately was an apt thing.

Scott James Remnant

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