I guess this is the way the way I see it:

-1 Feature freeze (2.6 has tons of new features)
+1 Longer support cycle which is a plus for an LTS
+1 Significant improvements that are worth pushing for
-1 Packaging seems non-obvious as the Abi folks have rearranged things
   a little bit.  Increases risk of doing something wrong.
+1 I like Abiword and would like to see it succeed, I think that 2.6
   lays and important foundation for future word processing on Ubuntu
+1 Total

So, I'm for it but I think it is a very close call.  I'll probably make
an attempt at the packaging as I want to play with Abicollab, but it
seems unlikely I'll get it right.  I think if we want this to happen
someone with significant deb-fu would have to do it.


On Fri, 2008-04-04 at 21:20 -0700, Dylan McCall wrote:
> There is a bug report filed, requesting to update Abiword to the new
> version 2.6 for Ubuntu Hardy. It does not appear that the desktop team
> has been notified of it automatically though it was suggested that you
> folks should have something to do with the freeze exception, so I may as
> well let you know myself!
> The reasoning is, in my opinion, indisputable. 2.4.x is now dead; it is
> not going to receive any updates whatsoever. This means that many
> outstanding bugs in the package would remain unfixed in Hardy without
> updating the packaged version of Abiword. I should also take this moment
> to point out that abiword-gnome is in main...
> Further, 2.6.x breathes wonderful new life into Abiword, and it would
> simply be a shame not to see it in the context of having new stuff. I
> think Abiword deserves some support since the program is making
> wonderful progress to being a good, integrated and easy to use
> alternative to OpenOffice -- possibly worth considering as a default
> some day. That day when Ubuntu can have a powerful and integrated office
> suite by default will not come any time soon, however, if the packaged
> version in its LTS release is out of date by over a year. Such an idea
> cannot grow support if people are seeing an ugly, buggy and outdated
> version of the program. (While this is a tad off topic, in my opinion
> such an idea would be a good one; OpenOffice is wonderful, but totally
> out of place as a default thanks to its behaving completely different
> from anything else in this desktop environment; the more momentum
> towards a full-fledged GNOME Office, the better!).
> Relevant bug report:
> bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/202174
> Thanks,
> -Dylan McCall

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