Jeff wrote:
> Hello folks, this is more of a culture/curiosity question that spawned
> while I was reading a thread in the forums... The evolution-common
> package in ubuntu weights 93.4 MiB. After, this is
> the heaviest package installed in ubuntu by default. I personally like
> evolution, and I'd like it to be kept part of the default installation,
> I was just wondering: what on earth can be so heavy in evolution-common?
> They certainly don't have over 8 million lines of codes like openoffice, no?
> Anyone has a clue why this package is so heavy? Just curious, thanks!

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dpkg -L evolution-common | grep '\.png' | wc -l

That's mostly the images for the documentation. It ships the images for a lot of
locales, as some of them are localized.


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