This is also available online at

== Present ==

 * Martin Pitt (pitti) -- chair
 * Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
 * Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
 * Ted Gould (tedg)

 * James Westby (james_w)

== Apologies ==

 * Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - GUADEC
 * Michael Vogt (mvo) -- GUADEC
 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128) -- GUADEC
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) -- holiday
 * Mirco Müller (MacSlow) -- GUADEC

== Outstanding actions from last meeting ==

 * Mirko to update clutter to appropriate version, not worrying
 about parallel install; wasn't able to be completed, should be
 confirmed with Mark or handed off to someone else. (deferred again,
 since Mirko is on conference)

== Agenda ==

 * Outstanding actions from last meeting

 * Review activity reports

 * users-admin replacement: A couple of GNOME guys
   proposed a design of a new user administration tool [1]
   with a contemporary UI and technical design (Policy``Kit, etc.).
   Matthew Thomas welcomed the new design, but mentioned some
   shortcomings, which he will discuss with the authors directly.

   This new tool will not be ready in time for Intrepid, though; we
   will stay with users-admin in intrepid and not waste effort with [
   improving system-config-users [2], now that it is essentially
   declared dead.


== Actions from this meeting ==
 * Matthew to follow up with upstream about UI improvements in new
 user admin tool.

== Activity reports ==

=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===

None received, on holiday.

=== Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) ===

* Made SVG of new login mockup for usage in implementation for Mirco.

 * Discussion with community members as well as Salane about wiki organization
and getting things done. Good start here. She has a lot to learn but seems to
have a good head on her shoulders.

 * Created ubuntu-artwork-dev team as some of the more active members have
mentioned that they get little or nothing done because of the email list
noise and this reduces their desire to participate (two active members
mentioned that they were ready to leave the list).

 * Looked into various fonts - I need someone who can find more information
about the licensing of the droid font. Need to find out about OOo font usage
and settings, what is possible, etc.

 * Packaged latest dark theme and lighter murrine and clearlooks fixes, pitti
included them. Also updated my hardy PPA.

=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===

Drafted specs (not assigned to me):
 * kernel-abi-package-handling: some difficulties to implement it
 properly in apt in a way that it works with aptitude; currently being
 discussed with Debian
 * consolidate-spell-checkers: approved, will be done by Seb during
 GNOME package updates

Assigned Intrepid specs:
 * intrepid-device-permissions: approved, not started
 * jockey-printer-driver-support: approved, committed initial bits to
 jockey, committed some bug fixes to system-config-printer's
 cupshelpers module; blocked on some difficulties on
 archive organization, currently discussing with Till
 * gdm-guest-account: discussed approach on IRC, but didn't catch
 responsible persons; mailed them again directly, no response yet

Currently open milestoned bugs:
 * Intrepid: #224697 (Disable hibernation if swap is on file), #232428
 (guile 1.6 -> 1.8 transition), #246550 (upgrade conffile prompt):
 will do later, specs go first

 * PackageKit update to latest version, semi-fixed license field
 * Lots of sponsoring
 * Wrote a PackageKit client for Python (needed for Jockey), I have
 some difficulties with that still
 * Upgraded my computers to intrepid

=== Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) ===

No report received.

=== Michael Vogt (mvo) ===

No report received, GUADEC.

=== Mirco Müller (MacSlow) ===

No report received, GUADEC.

=== Sebastien Bacher (seb128) ===

No report received, GUADEC.

=== Ted Gould (tedg) ===

Desktop Experience:
 * Working on the 'user applet' thingy.  Got session management in and
   DBUS communication with Pidgin prototyped in Python.

 * Did objectives for HR
 * Made power management work in Bazaar
 * Made the command line inhibit tool for GPM as discussed at UDS
 * Worked on OSCON presentation (needs lots more -- probably my focus for the 
rest of the week)
 * Fixed my Intrepid install on my laptop.  Happy again.
 * 4th of July holiday

Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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