For minutes of previous meetings, please see DesktopTeam/Meeting.

== Present ==

 * Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
 * Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
 * Michael Vogt (mvo)
 * Mirco Müller (MacSlow)
 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Ted Gould (tedg)

## list additional participants here
 * Pedro Villavicencio Garrido (pedro_)

== Agenda ==

 * Outstanding actions from last meeting
 * Final decision on Pidgin/Empathy discussion (tedg)
 * Human Theme Bug (kwwii)
 * XDG_SESSION_COOKIE problems (MacSlow)
 * [[|Sponsoring Overview update]]
 * Release Status
 * Review activity reports
 * Any other business

== Outstanding actions from last meeting ==

 * Riddell to follow up on MIR bug for libzip to remind pitti.
 * mvo to talk to QA about the possibility of a "package-failures" component 
and triaging it.
   ''Informally discussed, but no mail sent yet.''
 * seb128 to discuss MIR, seed changes and CD size implications with doko.
   ''see empathy''

== Actions from this meeting ==

 * mvo to talk to QA about the possibility of a "package-failures" component 
and triaging it.
 * pitti to ask ArneGoetje about hunspell dictionary dependencies
 * seb128 to update whiteboard of intrepid-menus-review and better-login-speed 
for remaining todos

== Final decision on Pidgin/Empathy discussion ==

After mpt's review, the final decision was to delay the switch until next cycle.

== Human Theme Bug ==

kwwii has a bug in the human theme packaging, and wanted to know who he could 
go to for help.  It was clarified that any of his team mates should be able to 
help, and if it's urgent then to contact the team Technical Lead pitti for help.

== XDG_SESSION_COOKIE problems ==

MacSlow has been having problems with $XDG_SESSION_COOKIE not being set in the 
new gdm, which pitti believes is due to his D-Bus installation being hosed.  
Help will be given after the meeting on #ubuntu-desktop.

== Release Status ==

 * Spell Check cleanup: ArneGoetje still needs to change the dependencies of 
the hunspell dictionaries, pitti will ask
 * UbuntuSpec:intrepid-menus-review and UbuntuSpec:better-login-speed still 
have various items to be done, which will occur after the next GNOME update.
 * UbuntuSpec:intrepid-desktop-systemprefs MIR complete and now in main, 
gnome-control-center patch is in intrepid.  

== Activity reports ==

=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===

 * overseeing 4.1.1 packaging
 * brief alpha 6 testing
 * fixes to update-manager, update-notifier-kde, language-selector
 * three days off

 * fix oem-config
 * fix lots of other bugs

no milestoned bugs

=== Kenneth Wimer (kwwii) ===

 * package 3 community themes and included them in my PPA

 * updated the human theme to include a lighter version as well as the dark 
version, packaged it and put it in my PPa

 * fixing human theme bug in Intrepid

 * worked on new icon set work with community, wiki page is up, launchpad 
project setup, etc

 * discussed wallpaper with the guy who made wall-light. Waiting for a response 
on whether we can include it (license issues)

=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===

Just a three-day report due to my holidays.

Assigned Intrepid specs:
 * UbuntuSpec:intrepid-device-permissions Steve added 
pam-config-framework-ification of libpam-ck-connector (thanks!) so that it gets 
auto-activated; getting rid of the fuse group is too intrusive now, and my very 
limited feature development time in intrepid wasn't enough for this; after 
discussion with Scott, I moved that item to the "next ubuntu releases" list and 
consider this implemented.
 * UbuntuSpec:gdm-guest-account More or less implemented now, spec has release 
note and test case sections; just needs some bug fixing now. "beta available"
 * UbuntuSpec:jockey-printer-driver-support actual printer driver lookup, 
presentation, and installation works, thus "beta available". still need to do 
some UI changes to present license and support status, and incorporate some 
usability feedback from mpt; I'll need a FF exception for those.

Currently open milestoned bugs: None

Other non-chores work done:
 * Post-holiday catchup on email, MIRs, SRUs, and various bits people nagged me 
 * Fixed my two alpha-5 RC bugs (fsck f*ckage and shutdown/reboot in Ubuntu 
system menu), and some other bugs in cups and sudo
 * Fixed yet another breakage in python-launchpad-bugs, wiggled the retracer 
chroot back into working order, restarted retracer bots
 * Reviewed and applied some apport merge requests
 * helped out a bit with Alpha-5 RMing to backup Steve (who was on holiday 

=== Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) ===

Summary of non-trivial stuff for past week:
 * Finishing various leftover Launchpad branches.
 * Helped Marc Tardif with design of hardware testing results.
 * Helped Ted Gould with design of status-switching menu.
 * Completed design of improvements for buying codecs 

=== Michael Vogt (mvo) ===

 * On Leave until today

=== Mirco Müller (MacSlow) ===

 * still blocked by $XDG_SESSION_COOKIE not being set (second week in a row now 
:-( )

 * asked for help on gdm mailing-list, but no reply sofar

 * upstream gdm admits the lack of any documentation on how to write a custom 
greeter is sub-optimal (especially with all the involved low-level bits 
regarding dbus and console-kit) 

 * directly asked William Jon McCann (gdm upstream) for advice on IRC how to 
sort out the trouble with dbus, but all hints what to test and try out did no 
yield any improvement

 * also asked Martin Pitt about the issue at hand and his attempts to help sort 
out the problem, were in vain ... trying to use upstream gdm with my 
gdm-graphical-greeter just does not succeed with obtaining a valid value from 

 * tried with system-wide installed dbus and with upstream dbus, without any 
difference in result

 * remaining thing to try: start with a clean distro install from scratch, 
which uses more bleeding-edge dbus, console-kit, gdm

 * helped out Ted with code to get decoration-less dialogs with rounded corners 

=== Sebastien Bacher (seb128) ===

 * lot of catching up after holidays

 * discussed retracer issues with pitti

 * GNOME 2.23.91 updates

=== Ted Gould (tedg) ===

FUSA Applet:
 * Packaging reviews by Martin and Loic, Loic approved for sponsorship. (Thanks 
 * Continued Development
  * Added a state for no IM client and hide icon
  * Added icons from Empathy as default.  If someone could review this patch[1] 
to make sure it's sane, that would be great.
  * Made it so that the applet detects IM clients getting on and off the DBus 
(starting and stopping)
  * 2-way status changes with Empathy
 * Continued planning
  * Worked with Matthew Thomas on ways to continue to clean up UI issues in the 
  * Got code for slick composited dialogs from Mirco to add as session 
management prompts


 * Packaged xscreensaver 5.07, not in time for FF, wrote FFe
 * Packaged GNOME Power Manager 2.23.91 (almost, it's getting late, I'll finish 

 * Booked travel for Boston GNOME Summit
 * National Holiday Sept 1st (Labor Day)

Scott James Remnant

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