On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 04:30:04PM +0000, Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Rick Spencer wrote on 03/03/09 18:53:
> >...
> > === Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje) ===
> >  * call with Alexander Sack about the fontconfig package:
> >   * the fontconfig package continues to set a basic desktop setting
> >   * the font packages should be updated to set fontconfig settings
> > depending on the font and pixel size used. This affects hinting, hinting
> > style and anti-aliasing settings
> >   * asac will try to dig through the gnome font settings code and add a
> > checkbox "Use system settings", which will use fontconfig's settings
> > instead of Gnome's
> >...
> "Excuse me, ma'am, I've set the font rendering to 'Best shapes', is that
> okay?"

"Hi, just wanted to tell you that I upgraded to jaunty and now my
fonts look great everywhere - on all my  monitors, even in all apps I
use. I am so happy that i don't need to fiddle with font configuration
- which i previously found to be hidden in the Appearence preference
dialog. BTW, I looked there now, but I will just leave the 'Automatic
shapes" checkbox enabled as it seems to do the right thing for
me. Thanks for your great work!"

 - Alexander

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