Here are the minutes from the desktop team meeting. You can also find
them and the irc log here:

= Meeting Minutes =
== Present ==
=== Main Meeting ===
 * Rick Spencer (rickspencer3) - chair
 * Alexander Sack (asac)
 * Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje)
 * Bryce Harrington (bryce)
 * Chris Cheney (calc)
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
 * Ken VanDine (kenvandine)
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter)  
 * Tony Espy (awe)

=== Eastern Edition ===
 * Luke Yelavich (TheMuso)
 * Robert Ancell (robert_ancell)

== Agenda ==
 * Partner Update
 * Kubuntu Update
 * Release Bugs/Release Status
 * Review activity reports

== Partner Update ==
=== UbuntuOne: ===
 * couchdb
   * will have either a new snapshot (with only a couple revisions) or a
cherry picked patch ready by this evening
 * desktopcouch
   * needs a new release, will be ready by thursday.  Fixes a bug
syncing to other desktops where the target db doesn't exist.
 * ubuntuone-client
   * Remove the preferences launcher
 * tomboy 
   * client side has everything it needs for syncing, but there is
currently a utf-8 related bug on the server causing crashes when receive
some characters

=== DX: ===
 * [[DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicWeeklyReleases|Weekly releases]]
 * sprinting this week
 * string change in the session applet, s/New Session/Switch User/,
which affects translations.  The translations team has been notified.
 * user list has been removed from the session applet, to be re-added
for Lucid
   * gdm doesn't provide all the interfaces we need
   * to be re-added for Lucid
 * libdbusmenu menu ordering bug has been fixed, please let us know if
you see problems with it

== Kubuntu Update ==
 * KDE 4.3.2 and Qt 4.5.3 in the archive, our final bugfix update before
 * KDM/ksmserver hangs on logout, we have a workaround though incase we
don't find the root cause
 * KPackageKit fixed, missing dependency at fault
 * some kcontrol translations broken, problem diagnosed, rosetta people
have been poked
 * microblog broken, still to investigate
 * "tech-preview" warning to be added to kubuntu netbook ubiquity,
should be easy though
 * hardy -> karmic upgrade now in dist upgrade tool, adept needs patched
in hardy-updates to make it work

== Release Status ==
|| '''Id''' || '''Title''' || '''Assigned To''' || '''Status''' ||
'''Importance''' || '''Package''' || '''Release''' || '''Milestone''' ||
'''Team''' || '''Date Confirmed''' || '''Tags''' ||
|| 401823 || (firefox:24993): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble
ahead - overeager XID caching || asac || Triaged || High || firefox-3.5
(Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-07-29
12:37:13.696516+00:00 || apport-collected ||
|| 401823 || (firefox:24993): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble
ahead - overeager XID caching || asac || Triaged || High || gtk+2.0
(Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-07-29
12:36:07.417016+00:00 || apport-collected ||
|| 430067 || ModemManager PUK-locks sim cards if the wrong PIN code is
entered once || asac || Triaged || High || modemmanager (Ubuntu Karmic)
|| karmic ||  ||  || 2009-09-15 14:51:53.237529+00:00 ||  ||
|| 429835 || [MASTER] chrome error when viewing untrusted https site
using firefox with non en-US locale on karmic || asac || Triaged || High
|| firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  ||
2009-09-15 09:10:08.653064+00:00 || i18n metabug xpipo ||
|| 396156 || Help→About does not function (abrowser-3.5,
jaunty-proposed) || asac || In Progress || High || firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu
Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-07-06 15:06:54.694398+00:00
||  ||
|| 435073 || NetworkManager 0.8 can not get IPv4 address for wired Auto
connections because IPv6 fails || asac || Triaged || High ||
network-manager (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  ||
2009-09-29 11:06:41.591934+00:00 || apport-bug i386 ||
|| 427734 || ubufox not loaded in Firefox 3.5 on karmic alpha 6 CD ||
asac || Triaged || High || ubufox (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic ||
ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-09-11 07:19:12.637671+00:00 ||  ||
|| 440987 || MASTER Firefox 3.5 Plugin Finder Service in Ubuntu Karmic
9.10 displays No suitable plugins were found for flash || asac ||
Triaged || High || ubufox (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||
|| 2009-10-03 11:05:39.695710+00:00 || apport-bug i386 ||
|| 439138 || [karmic] Xorg 100% CPU utilization -- only after first
login || bryceharrington || Incomplete || High || xorg-server (Ubuntu
Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || None || ubuntu-boot ||
|| 423907 || FTBFS in Karmic || jr || New || Undecided || skim (Ubuntu
Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || None || amd64 apport-bug ||
|| 435329 || Empathy is unusable if indicator applet is not on the panel
|| ken-vandine || Confirmed || High || empathy (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic
|| ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-10-02 07:50:57.731774+00:00 ||
regression-potential ||
|| 436591 || empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in
g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID() when using indicator-applet 0.1 to
display an active conversation || ken-vandine || In Progress || High ||
empathy (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic ||  ||  || 2009-10-04 14:40:09.834482
+00:00 || apport-crash i386 ||
|| 434878 || video calls fail frequently || ken-vandine || In Progress
|| Medium || empathy (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  ||
2009-09-22 21:00:53.841456+00:00 ||  ||
|| 434726 || Gets indicator attention for joining people || ken-vandine
|| Confirmed || Low || empathy (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic ||  ||  ||
2009-09-23 08:13:56.624575+00:00 || amd64 apport-bug ||
|| 436378 || indicator with empathy shows multiple messages for one
received message || ken-vandine || New || Low || empathy (Ubuntu Karmic)
|| karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || None || amd64 apport-bug ||
|| 442742 || Update of 20091003 have a fraction of the translations from
20090926 || pitti || In Progress || Critical ||
language-pack-kde-es-base (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||
|| 2009-10-05 02:21:57.200030+00:00 || i18n kubuntu ||
|| 428115 || Computer no longer locks on suspend or lid close || pitti
|| Incomplete || High || gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic
||  ||  || None || apport-bug i386 regression-potential ||
|| 404185 || dell mini 10v SD/SDHC slot gets ejected from the USB bus on
nautilus 'eject' || pitti || Triaged || High || devicekit-disks (Ubuntu
Karmic) || karmic || ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-08-19 06:03:20.386227+00:00
|| apport-bug i386 ||
|| 135548 || Action on critical battery isn't triggered || pitti ||
Triaged || Medium || gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic ||
ubuntu-9.10 ||  || 2009-07-23 17:50:59.744334+00:00 || data-loss
qa-hardy-desktop qa-jaunty-desktop ||
|| 400485 || Empathy sounds not in default ubuntu theme || seb128 ||
Confirmed || Low || ubuntu-sounds (Ubuntu Karmic) || karmic ||  ||  ||
2009-07-17 15:39:17.308185+00:00 ||  ||

=== xorg ===
 * xorg stack is generally in good shape
 * Mesa 7.6 final is released, team needs to decide between cherry
picking patches for specific fixes versus taking the new mesa
 * KMS for -ati is at significant risk, will probably be pulled

=== gnome ===
 * gnome generally in good shape
 * gnome 2.18.1 due in two weeks and will be incorporated into final
 * need to port screen-resolution-extra to support new policy kit

=== OOo ===
 * Final OOo upload expected next week

=== Mozilla ===
 * except lots of uploads next weeks by mozillateam doing the extension
finalization (KarmicExtensionReview) - thats universe

=== Network Manager ===
 * Close to what will ship for Karmic final, just a few more bug fixes
 * Testing of modems is appreciated

=== Compiz ===
 * 0.8.4 uploaded, only bug fixes from here on out

=== Audio ===
 * Volume restore/saving issues still being investigated, bug reports
still incoming regarding this

=== GDM ===
 * Guest account has some serious issue, robert_ancell investigating

=== Accessibility ===
 * speech dispatcher hitting on infrequent, but unpredictable crash, may
need more assistance solving

=== Printing ===
 * tkamppeter is working to address sever concerning bugs regarding pdf
output of evince and cups (bug 443026, bug 419143, and bug 439384)

== Activity reports ==

=== Alexander Sack (asac) ===

 * tons of bug triaging
 * uploaded fix for network-manager wireless secrets issues - see: LP:#
 * added support for armel to chromium-browser package
 * fixed epiphany-webkit crash in querying cookies.sqlite and get it
committed upstream - 
 * some gwibber stability discussions with kenvandine
 * sync: #epiphany-browser 2.28, #webkit and some build depends
to #karmic -> fails to build
 * also updated #gwget after epiphany-browser sync
 * help knetworkmanager upstream with bluetooth implementation details
 * committed fix for secure wired connections -
 * fix #network-manager: fix ifupdown plugin to properly unmanage
devices with a mapping stanza in /etc/network/interfaces -
 * uploaded network-manager, modemmanager, network-manager-applet,
-openvpn, -vpnc, -openconnect, -pptp and gnome-main-menu with various
fixes for karmic
 * file a most important tbird 3 bugs upstream
 * provide input on why virtual devices on arm are not handled by NM
(LP: #438687)
 * plan next langpack steps wrt mozilla with Arne
 * file FFe bugs for gnash and connman.

=== Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje) ===

=== Bryce Harrington (bryce) ===
* Met up with kernel team at sprint, Sept 22.
* Attended LPC conference, Sept 23, 24, 25.
* Attended XDC conference, Sept 28, 29, 30.
  Sent conference highlights summary to warthogs.
* Tested KMS on -ati.  Still a little buggy compared with !KMS.  Filed
  bugs upstream, discussed problems with Andy and Alex.  Will retry
  post-beta again, but we need a kernel and mesa newer than what's
  currently in karmic to have much hope...
* Split out credential management from Arsenal into
  python-launchpadlib-toolkit for easier reuse.  Requested code review.
* Worked on getting caught up with email from being on paternity leave
  during month of September.
* Fixed some bugs in Arsenal cron jobs.  Got all my latest bits into
  bzr tree.
* Reordered X bugs graph for better clarity
* Create report of X bugs with patches attached
* Follow up on bunch of different bug reports

=== Chris Cheney (calc) ===
 * Off work (moving)
 * OOo bug triage

=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===
 * beta testing and release
 * KDE 4.3.2 packaging and upload
 * making Qt-SDK package
 * discussing KOffice security support with upstream
 * update knetworkmanager package
 * update kmail message indicator patch from agateau

=== Ken VanDine (kenvandine) ===
===== Done: =====
    * Prepared weekly releases for most of the DX packages
    * debug video calls in empathy (with quite a bit of success)
    * dbus fixes in gwibber
    * couchdb work and desktopcouch testing
    * String change in indicate-session, "New Session" to "Switch
User" [[Bug:444494]]
    * updated the indicator patch for empathy to apply against
    * Prepared tomboy, couchdb-glib and evolution-couchdb packages

===== Planned: =====
    * Prepare DX package uploads
    * debug empathy crashers
    * fix handling of the icon in empathy when the indicator applet is
    * fix green dot handling in empathy for login notifications as well
as time setting
    * debug video calls in empathy

=== Luke Yelavich (TheMuso) ===
=== Accessibility ===
 * Updated the speech-dispatcher init script to be less verbose about
why speech-dispatcher is not being started at system startup, now that
it is somewhat integrated into a user's session.
 * Upload a new at-spi revision to add a .desktop file for GDM's
accessible login support.
 * Prepare to update onboard after a feature freeze exception was
approved. Still waiting on contributor to fix a few things first.
 * Continued investigation of the speech-dispatcher alsa code crash, but
no closer to working out a solution. Going to ask for more help from the

=== Audio ===
 * Audio bug triaging, bugs in question are against pulseaudio, alsa
userspace, and the kernel for hardware enablement.
 * Found out from Daniel that the volume issues I've been seeing are due
to a race condition. Discussed possible solutions to this problem.
 * Started looking into some more sound theme issues related to empathy.

=== Misc ===
 * UbuntuStudio disk testing for beta, as well as a little Ubuntu disk

=== Martin Pitt (pitti) ===
Karmic feature work:
 * desktop-karmic-automagic-python-build-system: 
  * just the upstream discussion is missing (which isn't bound by
release cycle)
 * desktop-karmic-symptom-based-bug-reporting: implemented
 * security-karmic-apport-abort: implemented
 * [[|hal deprecation]]:
  * this is as far as we can get in karmic, we won't change further
things after FF
  * I'm happy about how far we got
 * gnome-panel speedup: postponed

Other work done:
 * Beta release management and CD testing
 * SRU and MIR catchup
 * Added support for pulsing logo to usplash
 * Bug fixing: apport, casper, cups, devicekit-disks, gdm,
gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-disk-utility, jockey, sysvinit
 * Tested/debugged empathy A/V with Ken
 * tzdata update for stables

 * couchdb, couchdb-glib, evolution-couchdb, gdm, gnome-control-center,
indicator-session, libindicate, policykit-1-gnome,
system-tools-backends, tomboy, ubuntuone-client

=== Robert Ancell (robert_ancell) ===
 * Package update/merges: gtk2-engines
 * Fixed GDM greeter being shown on autologin
 * Fixed missing keyboard bindings from configuration applet
 * Improve PolicyKit GNOME authentication failure message
 * Redesign PolicyKit GNOME authentication dialog
 * Make PolicyKit GNOME authentication dialog select the current user by

=== Sebastien Bacher (seb128) ===
 * GNOME updates: totem gnome-menus glib f-spot libbonoboui brasero
 * tested karmic beta candidates images
 * spent a fair amonth of time reading desktop bugs to target karmic
 * looked for non translatable strings issue in karmic
 * worked on fixing some of the translations issues
 * did some debugging on random other desktop issues for which I didn't
note the details
 * update f-spot to build a translation template for rosetta and sent
the change to debian so we stay in sync there
 * updated notify-osd version in karmic
 * updated evolution depends to fix a build issue
 * backported a indicator-session change to fix a crash on session start
 * backported a telepathy-butterfly change to fix an empathy msn issue
 * backported an alacarte translation fix
 * backported a gnome-keyring change to fix a timeout issue on session
 * backported a gtk+ change to fix buttons not being clickable twice
without moving the cursor

 * sponsoring: gdm totem libxklavier evolution libdbusmenu
gnome-power-manager empathy

=== Tony Espy (awe) ===
* Travel back from Plumber's all day Monday.
 * 1/2 day off Tuesday.
 * Re-installed Karmic (again) due to file-system (ext3) failure that
occurred during
   last day of Plumber's.
 * Trip to Apple for service on my MB Pro (again)
 * Minor update to -applet HEAD branch to fix build failure
 * Lots of NM testing of Karmic Beta, including UNR installs on Dell
Mini 9,
   and several HP Minis.

=== Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter) ===
 * Several fixes in the HPLIP package: Let the automatic update of the
PPDs of existing queues migrate the queues from the new hpcups (CUPS
Raster) driver to the older hpijs (IJS) driver. hpcups has still many
problems (LP: #426826, LP: #428588). Try
also /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kdesu as sudo GUI (LP: #281880). Moved all
hp-* utilities which do not work in text mode from hplip to hplip-gui
(LP: #430539). hp-setup did not prompt for a custom PPD if the
description field of the default PPD is empty (LP: #432808). Merged in
fixes from Debian.
 * Small corrections on last week's patch for the USB CUPS backend.
 * Answered and triaged lots of printing-related bugs.
 * Major concerns are the problems which the PDF printing output of
evince causes. It looks like that all applications except evince print
without problems. See LP: #443026, LP: #419143, LP: #439384.

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