I've always felt that calling a computer system "intuitive" is, at best,
misleading. My understanding of the word "intuition", is that it's some
vague and abstract understanding of something. The use of a computer
system should be based on a clear and precise understanding of what's
going on. 

>From http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=intuitive:
«(adj) intuitive, nonrational, visceral (obtained through intuition
rather than from reasoning or observation)»

This does not at all resemble any computer system in the world of fact,
such as I know it. I propose that we stop saying that Ubuntu is
intuitive and leave that kind of sillyness to others. Instead, we should
say that Ubuntu is a _didactive_ system. The user isn't expected to rely
on intuition to be able to use the software -- that's not user friendly.
Instead, the system _teaches_ the user to use itself. If you want to
launch an application, for instance, we have a menu that's always
available that holds launchers for all the applications. The menu is
properly named "Applications" to _teach_ the user where to click in
order to find the available applications. The applications are
categorised into sections, teaching the user where to look for a certain
program. Furthermore, the applications are properly labeled using a
didactive name; we don't simply call it "Transmission", for instance. We
call it "Transmission BitTorrent Client". This _teaches_ the user to
launch that program if they wish to use a bit torrent client. 

The list of examples could be made endless, but I think this should
suffice. Now, there might be arguments against using the phrase
"didactive" and an argument for using "instructive" instead. I think
both are better than "intuitive", but I think "didactive" is better
because it's more unique, giving us a buzzword to combat the usage of

The way to a lucid computing experience, is a didactive environment. 

Just a thought, thanks for reading, 

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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