On Fri, 2010-03-26 at 02:16 +0000, Arand Nash wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 18:04 +1100, Robert Ancell wrote:
> > I also wanted to pick one FPS but they all seemed difficult to use.
> > The problems seemed to be similar:
> >       * Huge downloads
> >       * Opening and choosing first menu (e.g. "single player") often
> >         didn't work, there were no bots
> >       * Very slow load times
> > (...)
We can't have both appealing 3D games and fast load times in my opinion
so the problem isn't really a problem but a trade-off.

> I've tested both openarena and nexuiz.
What about Warsow? I've found it the most compelling from all three
games. It has a nice graphics and some nice concepts. I'm not sure if it
has bots though.

> And the only issue there is the indeed huge downloads (oa ~300MB nx ~900MB)
Well, all games that have decent 3d graphic are going to take quite a
lot of space. It shouldn't be a problem in my opinion. (Warsow is ~256MB

> They are in my opinion very straigtforward, 2-3 clicks and you're in a
> singleplayer game with fully functional bots.
> Both games also has a singleplayer "campaign" in the form of consecutive
> unlockable skirmish-levels.
> However, what might speak against them is the ~18 rating that any of 
> these games would have if sold in stores, due to their violent and 
> meatpieces-flying-gory nature.
Did Quake 3 get the ~18 rating somewhere? I think it's 15+ everywhere
and I think the gore level there was similar.

> > I installed Saurbraten and the ground didn't render.
> Sauerbraten has a very unfinished touch yes, which probably makes it
> unsuitable for featuring. But I have ran it countless times without
> seeing that issue.
> For simple shoot-em-ups there is several games by Kenta Cho (nice search
> term for USC) that might be worth a look, many are still dependent on 3D
> drivers like chromium-bsu, but in my experience they seem vaguely
> playable without them, whereas chromium-bsu just turns into sirup.
> I've added tumiki-fighters to the wiki, and I would propose this as a 
> replacement for chromium-bsu, since it seems to run very well on my 
> no-3D nouveau drivers.
> One potential problem with these games is that they use the somewhat
> unorthodox z-key as the fire-key, also, the homepage describes them as 
> "games for windows", but those are minor things I guess.
> When it comes to Wine, if it is going to be mentioned on the installer
> slideshow:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~lielft/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/games-slide/+merge/15545
> does it not then make sense to have it in the featured section?
> (I did even make a comment on the merge about the possibly overly 
> optimistic tone taken when describing Wine there...)
I think promoting wine as a way of running games is a mistake if we
don't say that it supports only a handful of them, often a lot of
tweaking is required and it doesn't work well with all available 3d
cards. Already there are a lot of people who are complaining that Wine
doesn't support they favorite game X - if we promote it further the
amount of complaints and disappointment is only going to increase.

> - Arand

Krzysztof Klimonda <kklimo...@syntaxhighlighted.com>

PS Most FPS games shine only when users play them online - what if the
newer version of the game that is incompatible with our version is
released? 3 years is a lot of time to keep game that users can't play
with friends anymore. I know it's not really a point of this post but
it's something we should think about.

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