Le 05/10/2011 17:00, Dereck Wonnacott a écrit :
I use a laptop with an external monitor on a daily basis, I've upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 in hope of finding better multi-screen support but was quite disappointed.

My laptop has an Nvidia card and I was not able to activate my external monitor with unity 3D. [BUG 864784] HOWEVER, Unity 2D is surprisingly pleasant! I don't feel like I'm using second class software in the slightest. In fact, I rarely notice that I am using unity 2D. It's terrific, thank you guys!

I miss the window snap function on the shared edge of the screens. Snap only seems to work on the far edges of the workspace.

I would REALLY like display hot-plugging to turn on my external monitor when it's plugged in, but I've adjusted to using the nvidia-settings tool every time I boot my laptop.

As for the questions posed by Bryce, here's my two cents as a user:

> * Should Unity be mirrored across the monitors?
I'd be much happier if unity reflected the application use on that screen.

> * Should expo appear on all monitors, but only show windows for the
> monitor it's displayed on?

> * Should the launcher be displayed on all monitors, and if so, how
> should it be shown with a mouse?
Perhaps as the mouse approaches the top left corner of the screen, it could slide out much like how the the window snap works.

> * Should the dash, expo, spread view, etc, be displayed only on the
> monitor where the mouse pointer is, or a window has focused?
I think it makes the most sense to follow the mouse, rather than mirroring on both screens.

I know that design worked on that the past 3 weeks to look at the multimonitor cases in Unity and it's a target for Oneiric. So yeah, will likely to be discussed at UDS (you can also suggest your ideas on the ayatana mailing list (see http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/) to reach them.

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