
Right now Ubuntu and esp Unity depends on zeitgeist for searches,
recommendations etc.

Right now only those events are logged by zeitgeist-datahub. It
cannot log each and every user event. To increase the logging, there
exists datasources which are plugins/addins for applications. For
default applications datasources exists for tomboy, gedit, banshee,
totem, firefox, empathy (telepathy) and eog. These datasources
should also be shipped with Ubuntu.

Datasources for thunderbird is in development. Datasources for
transmission and shotwell don't exist. It needs to be done.

My proposal does not start and end with datasources. We should
also include activity-log-manager in the default install. This
application is a privacy and history manager. You can blacklist
applications, set zeitgeist in incognito mode, erase history etc.

If possible, Internet lens can be included by default provided
firefox and thunderbird datasources are installed by default. This
will help users search for their browsing history and mails too.

I will put up an even more detailed plan on the wiki provided
this proposal is accepted.

In case you don't know who am I. I work mostly on datasources
for zeitgeist. Any more clarifications are invited


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