On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 18:11:40 +0100, Jo-Erlend Schinstad 
<joerlend.schins...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I hadn't actually considered DesktopCouch to be dependent on Ubuntu One. 
> I considered Ubuntu Ones database synchronization service to be 
> dependent on the DesktopCouch, but not vice versa. Much the same way, I 
> don't expect my home directory to be dependent on Ubuntu One file 
> synchronization service.

people will still be able to install desktopcouch and couchdb-bin and
use it as they could now, either locally or syncing peer-to-peer with
the bluetoothish pairing tool (desktopcouch-pair, from package
desktopcouch-tools) we wrote for that use case. I don't understand what
upsets you so much about it being in universe instead of main.

> While I can understand the reasons why you feel it necessary to pull the 
> plug on the db sync service, it is not immediately obvious to me why 
> that would necessarily result in you dropping support for local storage 
> in personal databases on the desktop. I don't see anything wrong with 
> DesktopCouch itself.

the problems on the desktop are more evident on smaller devices

> By the way, what is going to happen with the 
> server-side software that you're now abandoning? Will you GPL it and 
> release it so that others can benefit from the work? After all, even if 
> you couldn't make it scale to millions of databases, it might still be 
> useful as a residential sync service, for example.

our server database was apache couchdb, plus a couple of patches written
for us by couchio/couchbase/membase that they didn't think were
generally reusable outside of our datacentre (and require significant
rework to apply to newer couches)

> My goal is to create software 
> using tools that are available for many platforms, such as Python, GTK 
> and CouchDB. I would then like to enable the users to sync their data 
> between all their devices, across platforms. [...] From my 
> perspective, the stack I referred to earlier, which you until very 
> recently have been advocating, _does_ work.

and there's no reason for you not to use it, if it works for you.

> Tell me you're going to GPL and release your server-side db-sync stuff, 
> and I'll have all my enthusiasm back and stop nagging. :)

it really is just apache couchdb.

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