On 23/11/11 22:42, Didier Roche wrote:
Le 23/11/2011 09:40, Olivier Tilloy a écrit :
Hey Didier,

That was a long e-mail, thanks for setting this up!

On 2011-11-22, Didier Roche<didro...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
As we are running all projects in parallels to avoid having to wait too
much before a branch from a project is merged, we need to have in mind
that there is no dependency automagic check, like:
1. you add a new API to nux
2. you use this API in unity.
1. needs to be merged (and so built) successfully. Please, do not
approve 2. until 1. status is "merged". Then, the local repository in
the pbuilder will automatically take the right Nux version with the
additional API. If you set it to "approved" before the nux branch is
merged, you can have great changes seeing your branch rejected because
it will fail to build. Be patient before approving the second branch, as
the merger is running every 15 minutes, you should get a merge soon. :-)
Launchpad knows of a notion of "Prerequisite Branch" when creating a
merge request, that is a branch that should be merged before the one
under review for everything to work as expected. As far as I know this
is not limited to branches targeting the same trunk, so you could very
well make a branch of e.g. nux be a prerequisite to a branch of unity.

Maybe there’s a way of instructing tarmac to respect those dependencies?

Indeed, if people are setting those dependencies (which wasn't the case
in the past), we can use that. I need to make some tests to ensure that
we can set pre-requisite on branches that have no common revisions on
different projects though.

Prerequisite branches are not used for this case.

I use the prerequisite branches as I often developed using bzr-pipelines.

The way the prerequisite branch is used is primarily for diff generation. The prereq branch is merged into trunk, then the proposed branch is merged into the result, and the diff of that second merge is what is connected to the merge proposal.

However, there is still an important check needed here.

It is entire feasible to have a chain of dependent branches (I once had 13), where earlier branches are not approved, but later ones are.

We shouldn't be able to land an approved branch if any of the prerequisite branches in the chain are not approved. We do need to make sure that we allow merged ones though, as the prereq stays even if it is merged. All that happens there is the merging of the prereq into trunk becomes a no-op for the diff generation.


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