Hi all,

I've spent some time working on making "ClickPad" trackpads work better.
I have put the end result up at ppa:chasedouglas/clickpad. I would like
some testing feedback for the changes.

In this context, a "ClickPad" is any touchpad with buttons integrated
into the touch surface. This includes many variations of Synaptics
trackpads and all the multitouch Apple trackpads. However, not all
devices are detected as clickpads by the kernel, so you may need to
manually override the clickpad detection.

I have attached two scripts. The first enables clickpad support, and the
second enables a "right button area" in the lower right corner of the
trackpad. The 'right button area" should overlap with the right button
area painted on some ClickPads. You are free to enable or disable it as
you wish.

The scripts require the device name or id as the first argument. You can
query the device name and id by running "xinput list".

So what does this do?

* You can now perform click-and-drag with two separate fingers
* With the right button area enabled, a button press in the area will
  fire a right button press instead of a left button press
* Click actions are possible, but they are an advanced feature I don't
  want to support yet by detailing them here

If we get good feedback on this, then I would like to push it into
Precise. I also want to add a checkbox to the mouse settings preferences
to enable the right button area too.

Thanks for testing!

-- Chase

Attachment: enable-clickpad.sh
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: enable-rightbutton.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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