Dear all,

First excuse me if my mail is off-topic, but I'd like to draw attention on two important bugs that make installation and use of Ubuntu 13.04 difficult.

Since it has been decided yesterday during online UDS that Raring will finally well be released and not directly jump in Rolling, it seems important that... everybody will at least be able to install it !

But there is a bug reported since many months which makes Raring installation from LiveCD impossible with some (extended) partitioning :

Ubiquity : "After 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' screen, raring installation hangs"

Another one which makes impossible to mount eSata devices (only USB works) because util-linux needs to be updated :

"Util-linux needs updating to 2.22+" & "x-gvfs-show option doesn't work"

I'm sure that people in charge of corrections are fully competent, but as there is no recent news letting know that those bugs, which for me are critical, will be soon resolved, I wonder if the concerned developers or quality team are aware of them.

As feature freeze is here, release of 13.04 in one month, I preferred to alert on these, sorry if it was useless !

Thanks in advance. Best regards,

Xavier Guillot

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

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