On Sat, May 18, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

On 18/05/13 01:43, Adam Dingle wrote:
Ubuntu has started lagging one release behind GNOME, which makes things a little tricky for people like me who want to build and run the latest versions (i.e. git master) of various GNOME apps.
 You should probably be using jhbuild then.

I do use jhbuild as a build helper, but I don't build the whole GNOME 3.9 world with it - I prefer to build only the packages I need and use Ubuntu binaries whenever I can, especially for underlying libraries. Also, I run everything I've built live on my system all the time rather than in a separate jhbuild testing session. So I don't want to run a vanilla GNOME GTK 3.9; I want one that actually works with the Ubuntu app menu, for example.

Anyway, so now my questions are

- Is there a plan for the GNOME 3 PPA to provide GNOME 3.9 packages for Saucy during this next development cycle? If so, when might those start to appear, especially a newer GTK?

Current priority is landing 3.8 packages in saucy. 3.9 on the ppa, will probably follow after that is done.

That's great to hear.

- If that isn't planned, does anyone out there have a working GTK 3.9 binary for Saucy, perhaps in another PPA?

Have you checked ricotz/testing ppa? he has git snapshots of most of the gnome stack there.
I hadn't looked there recently - great to see there are a bunch of packages there. Whether his GTK 3.9 will actually work with the app menu is another question - I'll take a look. Anyway, thanks for the pointer.

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