On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 09:04:59PM +0200, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
> AIUI LTS releases don't offer upgrades to interim releases (by
> default), only when the new LTS is available?


But imagine the situation without HWE.

I'm on Precise. Quantal is released, and I want to upgrade to it. It
doesn't appear by default, and the standard answer is to specifically
request through the GUI that all release upgrades are displayed rather
than only LTS release upgrades. Then a release upgrade to Quantal
appears, and I select it. AIUI, this is the supported way of doing it.

Now consider the same upgrade situation with HWE (which you say is not
supported). In my ignorance, I do exactly the same thing. I request it
to show me all available upgrades, not just LTS ones. The release
upgrade to Quantal appears. I select it. My system breaks.

So I don't think that saying that you have to explictly select it is a
reasonable excuse. This is the recommended way of upgrading up from an
LTS to a standard release for non-HWE installations. I do not
necessarily know that an HWE upgrade to a standard release is not
supported. I may not even know that I have an HWE stack installed. The
GUI behaves exactly the same, provides no warning with the identical
process, and causes my system to break.

Save for any other explanation, this sounds like a Critical bug in
update-manager to me, since it causes the system to become unusable
through a process that the user would otherwise expect to work, but is
actually not supported in a particular configuration that the user ends
up in by default.

Does this make sense? Does you disagree, or should I go ahead and file
this bug?


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