Hello everyone,

I currently signed up to be on the "ubuntu desktop bugs" team. I am
available to work on any assignment which is currently pending. If anyone
needs assistance with any sort of work, please email me; I am also ready to
learn any new software, etc.

Otherwise, I would really appreciate it if someone could let me know where
I should start (any documentation I should read, etc.). My status is
currently pending on https://launchpad.net/~desktop-bugs

A few of the languages I am familiar with:

Programming Experience - Java, Visual C#, C, Python, Clojure (Lisp
dialect), LC3 Assembler, Shell Scripting
Operating Systems Used - Ubuntu (preferred), Windows 8 dual boot
Embedded - Emacs24 (preferred editor), Light-table (Clojure), Subversion,
Git, Notepad++

Also worked with: Unix based systems, Javascript/HTML/CSS
Beginning: Android App Development, IOS App Development (Xcode)

Geet Kumar
ubuntu-desktop mailing list

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