On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 3:25 PM, Tim <dark...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On 08/10/14 22:13, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Currently on Unity the apps using client-side decorations (aka
>> headerbars) have Close button on the right side, which is inconsistent
>> with all other apps. A good example of such app is gnome-weather.
> Aren't there bigger issues right now like compiz not rendering the window
> decorations correctly or so?

I don't see any other problems. Perhaps they have been already fixed.

>> 2) Read from GSettings but filter out maximize and minimize — only
>> close will be seen by default. It will be possible to move/show/hide
>> close and appmenu buttons in the decorations using the usual GSettings
>> way, and it will be possible to use an override
>> (org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings overrides) to show the
>> rest of buttons.
> No don't do that, just ship a default config that only has a close button, 
> there is
> no reason to have to filter buttons out and its just going to complicate 
> things

The problem is that the config is the same for server-side and
client-side decorations. We can't change one and keep the other one

Dmitry Shachnev

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