Thanks Carl for starting this conversation! I'm forwarding this to
ubuntu-devel for you so that this discussion can reach a wider

Jeremy Bicha

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:31 AM, Carl Richell <> wrote:
> System76 would like to use GNOME Initial Setup for user configuration.
> Currently, there is duplication with Ubiquity.
> We propose changing Ubiquity to add a “minimal” mode, triggered by a kernel
> parameter (a flag similar to how OEM install is triggered now). This enables
> flavors to use whichever version makes sense for them. System76’s Pop!_OS
> and the elementary OS team are interested in using “minimal”. Minimal might
> be attractive to Ubuntu w/ GNOME as well.
> “Minimal” will contain the least amount necessary to install the OS. We also
> prefer off-line installs with minimal which would remove options to download
> updates or install 3rd party software during install. This requires adding
> language packs to the iso when using minimal.
> Minimal screens:
> Welcome/Language Select - change: add KB Layout [1]
> Installation Type - change: move hostname here [2]
> If full disk encryption is chosen, Choose Security Key screen.
> --Timezone: we’d like to remove timezone but Ubiquity is crashing when we do
> so. More investigation is necessary.
> [1] KB layout currently comes after “Installation Type”. Users can’t set
> their layout before typing a full-disk encryption password. Moving KB layout
> forward would fix this. However, Ubuntu uses the first Welcome Screen to
> display both language and “Try Ubuntu” or “Install Ubuntu”. A couple of
> ideas:
> Boot to a live environment with a “Install Ubuntu” icon on the desktop.
> For a “complete” Ubiquity install, move KB layout after the Welcome Screen.
> [2] Hostname is currently on the “Who are you?” screen. It uses the username
> and DMI information to populate the hostname. We propose using the same DMI
> information, adding 4 hexadecimals to the end (a checksum of the MAC address
> “Galag-Pro-A8F3”), and moving the hostname up to the “Installation Type”
> screen. This enables “minimal” installs to set the hostname and business
> customers can install the OS on multiple machines, with automatic or custom
> hostnames, then give the computer to their user for account setup.
> Current Ubiquity “Complete” Screens
> Welcome w/ Language Select and “Try Ubuntu” or “Install Ubuntu”
> Preparing to Install Ubuntu w/ Download Updates and Install 3rd Party
> checkboxes
> Installation Type w/ drive setup and full disk encryption
> If full disk is chosen, Choose Security Key
> Timezone
> Keyboard Layout
> Who Are You? w/ user account setup and hostname
> Proposed Ubiquity “Complete” Screen
> Welcome w/ Language Select and “Try Ubuntu” or “Install Ubuntu”
> Keyboard Layout
> Preparing to Install Ubuntu w/ Download Updates and Install 3rd Party
> checkboxes
> Installation Type w/ drive setup and full disk encryption ADD hostname
> If full disk is chosen, Choose Security Key
> Timezone
> Who Are You? w/ user account setup REMOVE hostname

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