On Sun, Aug 20, 2017 at 7:16 AM, Francesco Fumanti
<francesco.fuma...@gmx.net> wrote:
> The adaption of Onboard to GNOME Shell has been our focus since the 
> announcement of Ubuntu switching to GNOME for 17.10. For the reasons outlined 
> by marmuta in this thread, a full integration of the python based Onboard 
> into GNOME Shell seems very difficult, if not impossible.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/onboard/+bug/1672465

Thanks for the updates!

> In the meantime, OnboardOSK is quite usable on X, but not yet in Wayland, 
> which brings me to the question, whether Ubuntu 17.10 is also going to use 
> Wayland as default?


> We will not be able to offer a proper release before feature freeze on the 
> 24th of august. What does this mean for Ubuntu 18.04? Will it be possible to 
> have OnboardOSK become default again for Ubuntu 18.04, which is a LTS, if it 
> has not already been the default on-screen keyboard in 17.10?

Yes, there is a possibility that OnboardOSK could be used by default
for 18.04 LTS, even if Onboard is dropped from the default install for

> Moreover, as OnboardOSK being a fork from Onboard, I wonder whether it has to 
> go through the Universe and Main inclusion process?

It must go through the new queue if it has new binary or source
packages. It will probably need to go through a MIR process if it
needs to be in Main but it should be simpler than a brand new MIR.

Jeremy Bicha

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