On 08/19/2011 06:09 PM, Matthias Klose wrote:
> A test rebuild for oneiric is currently running, an overview of the build
> failures can be found at
> http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110816-oneiric.html
> The test rebuild archive itself is found at
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110816
> The rebuild of the main component is done, and bug reports are field (all 
> tagged
> ftbfs), packages from other components are still rebuilding.

The rebuild for amd64 is now done, the rebuild for i386 did reach "libv"
Bug reports are filed for the failed builds, targeted to the 'oneiric' release,
and tagged with the "ftbfs" tag.

A rebuild for armel is ongoing (main from "a" to "libx" done). Overview at


Test rebuild archive at


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