Technical Board meeting, 2011-11-03

= Attendees =

 * Colin Watson (chair)
 * Kees Cook
 * Martin Pitt
 * Matt Zimmerman
 * Soren Hansen
 * Stéphane Graber

= Notes =

 * Action review
  * Colin to setup a survey for a new Technical Board meeting time -- 
'''DONE''', should have responses soon
  * Stéphane to contact Stefano Rivera and if he agrees to be on the DMB, add 
him to the LP team and mailing list -- '''DONE'''
  * Stéphane to update the term of the DMB members to 2 years -- '''DONE'''
  * Stéphane to add the new members to the ARB -- '''DONE''' though still 
waiting for mailing list admin privileges

 * LTS cadence
  * By e-mail, Soren proposed codifying the long-term-support cycle length to 
two years, which has been the practical reality for some time anyway.  Mark 
supported this, with the proviso that we allow ourselves to make a one-time 
shift of six months either way in the event that Debian moved to a two-year 
cycle slightly out of phase with us.
  * We discussed various aspects of this in the meeting, but the board was 
aware that by this point people within the Ubuntu project were essentially 
operating on the assumption that the two-year cycle was fixed anyway, and the 
effect of making this official would mainly be to make us more predictable from 
other points of view.  By now, this is simply what our users expect from us.
  * The TB voted unanimously in favour of ratifying the e-mailed proposals.

 * Streamlining package set management
  * The Developer Membership Board (via Iain Lane) requested some minor changes 
to the package set management process to allow them to make small adjustments 
without the need for developers to present themselves at a DMB meeting, as long 
as those changes are advertised on devel-permissions@ with a waiting period.
  * The TB felt that a waiting period was not necessary for such changes, given 
e-mail announcements to devel-permissions@.  Aside from that, we approved 
Iain's proposal unanimously.

 * Proposal for criteria to become and remain a recognized derivative flavor, 
and proposal for criteria to designate flavor release as LTS
  * Kate Stewart proposed some criteria for derivatives of Ubuntu to be 
recognised as flavours that we build as part of the coordinated Ubuntu release 
processes, and criteria for them to be designated as LTS releases.  (The former 
was largely codifying existing practice; the latter was new.)
  * We suggested some tweaks, but on the whole, this was close enough to what 
we understood as existing practice that we approved it unanimously.  The TB 
retains full discretion on designating a flavour as LTS (and some flavours are 

 * Opening backports pre-release
  * We had some initial discussion about this, but were unable to finish due to 
time pressure.  This will continue at the next meeting.

 * Next meeting is 2011-11-17.

Colin Watson                                       []

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