
    #ubuntu-meeting: DMB, 24 Feb at 19:01 — 20:00 UTC

    Full logs at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/02/24/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt 
(bot was dead, so no mootbot) 

Meeting summary

    Chair: Scott Kitterman
    Present: Scott Kitterman, Micah Gersten, Stéphane Graber, Stefano Rivera 
(with Barry Warsaw and Iain Lane voting via email) 

Review of previous action items

The discussion about "Review of previous action items" started at 19:06.

    Add upload rights for pocock (19:08): waiting for reply from pocock on 
package list

        ACTION: stgraber to add upload rights for pocock 

    Call for votes on Noskcaj (micahg): Not done, rolled into PPU application, 
action completed during meeting. 

Per Package Uploader Applications -- Jackson Doak

The discussion about "Per Package Uploader Applications -- Jackson Doak" 
started at 19:08. Both his PPU application and his pending MOTU application 
were discussed and voted on.

    LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU

    Vote: Should noskcaj join ~motu? (Deadlock)
    Jackson did not join ~motu with +2/-2

    LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#Xubuntu_PackageSet

    Vote: Should noskcaj have PPU upload rights for the Xubuntu packageset? 
    Jackson did not receive the requested upload rights with +2/-2 

Per Package Uploader Application - GunnarHj

The discussion about "Per Package Uploader Application - GunnarHj" started at 

    Vote: Should GunnarHj get upload rights to ubuntu-docs ? (Carried)

    GunnarHj did receive the requested upload rights with +6/-0 

Per Package Uploader Application - sergiusens

The discussion about "Per Package Uploader Application - sergiusens" started 
at 19:41.

    Vote: Should sergiusens get upload rights to lxc-android-config, android, 
goget-ubuntu-touch, phablet-tools, autopilot, golang-gocheck, golang-pb, 
golang-go-flags, session-manager-touch, platform-api, android-tools, ofono, 
maliit-framework, and ubuntu-keyboard ? (Carried)
    sergiusens did receive the requested upload rights with +6/-0 


    No discussion due to lack of time. 

Scott K
(for the DMB)

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