Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 21:19:45 -0600
From: "Conrad Knauer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [RFC] ShipIt CD-RW

I can think of a few reasons why this is a bad idea, not the least of
which is that the alpha/beta versions have big disclaimers to NOT
install them on production machines (e.g. including because the
installer itself might do bad things).


Hi all,
       RFC I guess Request for Comments. (lol).  I beg to digress with
Conrad. I'm a big supporter of testing the Herd CD's but its the cost of the
CD's which does turn me off. Hence my testing is only from the beta stage.
I've got 1 80 GB HDD which is exclusive for testing. Now it would be cool on
Canonical's part if we have some custom art RW CD's for those people who are
ready to engage with the whole testing cycle making it easily distinguished.
It would also go in a long way in making us feel a part of the community. I
do agree however that there is a danger of it becoming a poor man's supply
store but that can be easily corrected by looking at people's contribution
in form on bugs filed, any specifications filed, activity on the channels,
all of which could be automated to a certain extent.
I've also  been ordering few CDR's of the final build so as to give-away to
friends or to be used to show-off the Live CD & capabilities of Ubuntu.
Lastly, from the shipit site Canonical does have a list of interested people
who are supporters of the project & can use that to harness good-will as
well as engage the community from time to time but that's beside the point.
      Hope I got my point across, hoping for more healthy discussion on the

         Shirish Agarwal
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