Just wondering whether these training sessions be available online to be
viewed at a later time?! The reason I ask is because in the time zone (US
EST) where I live most of the sessions are either early in the morning or
during working hours.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:18 AM, Daniel Holbach

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello everybody,
> the Ubuntu Developer Community is proud to announce the following new
> initiative to help YOU find your way into developing Ubuntu.
> Thursday is from now on Packaging Training day. We'll have regular
> one-hour sessions in #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net where we'll
> have speakers who present a packaging technique and leave enough time
> for all packaging related questions you might have.
> For those of you who are not familiar enough with the English language,
> we'll have people in #ubuntu-classroom-{de,es,...} who will help to
> translate your questions.
> We will rotate session times to make sure the sessions work for all
> timezones. We'll follow a 1st Thursday 6:00 UTC, 2nd Thursday 12:00 UTC,
> 3rd Thursday 18:00 UTC, 4th Thursday 0:00 UTC (5th Thursday 6:00 UTC)
> pattern. For the first month April, we're proud to announce the
> following sessions:
>  * 2nd April,  06:00 UTC: Daniel Holbach, Fixing an Ubuntu bug
>  * 9th April,  12:00 UTC: James Westby, bzr builddeb –in-15-minutes
>  * 16th April, 18:00 UTC: Didier Roche, How-to update a package
>  * 23rd April, 00:00 UTC: <Tutor>, TBA
>  * 30th April, 06:00 UTC: Daniel Holbach, Getting Started with Ubuntu
>                          Development
> If you want to give a session, request a session, help out as a
> translator, share your comments, help with the organisation or anything
> else, please head over to
>        https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training
> and let us know.
> These sessions are going to be what we make of them, so let's make the
> most out of them! Rock on everybody and see you on Thursday! :-)
>  The Packaging Training Organisation Team
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> --
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