The Upstart event-driven bootup doesn't really have the notion of progress, unlike the old SysV Init script bootup. It's hard to provide a linear measure of progress...
The same thing happened in OS X -- in 10.4 they introduced a parallelized init daemon and the "progress" bar was just a simple timer (counting to how long it took the LAST time to boot up), and in 10.5+ they just got rid of it altogether. The same can be said about Windows and their parallelized startup control mechanism. On Jan 25, 2010, at 7:09 AM, Amahdy wrote: > I'm wondering why starting from 9.10 the boot loader started to be an > infinite loop progressbar (like windows always does)?? it was better in > previous versions that I'm able to track the percent of loaded and what's > remaining, or at least know that there is a progress (in slow computers) > instead of staying like that without knowing whether the loader hangs and > will never load or there is a slow progress and the user will watch waiting > it ... > > If this was because gathering the information before starting the loader for > a progress-bar tracking takes some time, then I believe +|- 2 seconds is not > the big deal that prevents this feature from existing ... or what's your > thoughts? > > One more thing is that, the loading could be cooler for some ppl (like me) if > it was text-based not graphical (like before that or like servers), to watch > out what's happening (eg. problems, errors, notices ... etc) so if there was > a key (like ESC) to switch, and an option to make it permanent text-based > boot. > > > > -- Amahdy AbdElAziz > IT & Development Manager > 3D Diagnostix Inc. > > > > -- > Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list > > Modify settings or unsubscribe at: >
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