
Thanks for you message, Volkan. I also noticed at some point that the Ubuntu website says surprisingly little about the variants, even the officially supported variants. I have an Edubuntu installation since 2007 and I'd appreciate better information as a basis for decision-making between Ubuntu and Edubuntu and other variants.

It seems that there is some information about the interrelationship of variants (or derivatives) but it is not easy to find. Dmitrijs already brought up the link http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/derivatives and I like how the page


presents a classification for the variants: "Official editions", "Recognized flavors", "Customizations"... with a few words about what each class is about.

Whereas the owner(s) of Ubuntu are doing well in allowing the derivatives/variants to coexist peacefully with Ubuntu, it seems that they prefer to keep ubuntu.com the home page of exactly Ubuntu rather than an umbrella for the whole family of derivatives.

In theory, someone could make e.g. a wiki-styled documentation site about the essential differences between derivatives, such as what you can and what you can't install in a given derivative compared to the main line of development (Ubuntu), but the challenge comes from how swiftly these things change from release to release. And I'd guess that most applications can be installed to any derivative, the difference between derivatives being more about what is installed by default.


25.01.2013 16:34, Volkan Gezer wrote:
I think most people don't know that Kubuntu, Lubuntu and Xubuntu
versions are officially supported by Ubuntu.

I highly suggest you telling in download page something like that:

"Ubuntu is using Unity desktop environment.

We also have official distributions for KDE, XCFE .... environments too..."

to give a link to other official Ubuntu distros. You can also add a
page which users can reach in one click to these distributions and


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