LibreOffice bug - cannot load calc    28 June, 2017

You are getting this bug report, because you are listed as the 'maintainer' for this package. See: 'Maintainer of LibreOffice package.png'

If you are not at fault, then send the information to libreoffice.

I would appreciate not getting any excuses for why your team is not responsible for this package, because the attached photo says you are! I doubt that hardware or OS has anything to do with this bug,

Bug Report:

I created a new linuxmint installation. I installed libreOffice. I tried to look at a calc file. Got the attached error message.

(see '/media/paul/26 Sep 2016 New/MyDocuments/Bug Reports - Not church/LibreOffice broken package - cannot load calc.png')

Also, I have attached a picture showing that the lost file is, indeed, in the directory!


I have run linuxmint on this hardware and even the same version of mint for quite a while.

Now your package does not include a needed library?
Now what do I do, besides cry?

Frustrated, and falling behind in my work, because of your bug.


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