
currently enabling booting via ipxe (https://ipxe.org/) over http needs a dedicated mirror that has vmlinuz and initrd extracted from the iso.

Would it be possible to release those files - already extracted from the iso - alongside those very isos?

This would enable ubuntu to create one iso, that can boot every version available directly from one usb stick or pxe server.

set http-server https://releases.ubuntu.com
kernel http://${http-server}/ubuntu/21.10/ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso.vmlinuz initrd http://${http-server}/ubuntu/21.10/ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso.initrd imgargs ubuntu-21.10-desktop-amd64.iso.vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=3000000 boot=casper ip=dhcp netboot=url url=http://${http-server}/os/ubuntu/21.10/ubuntu-21.10.x-desktop-amd64.iso
boot || shell

Something similar is done by Arch Linux. But they included the Let's Encrypt Root Certificate too, to enable boot via https, and they chainloaded a menu from their mirror to just have one iso or usbstick image to work indefinitely, as the critical information, what to boot would be loaded after the boot of ipxe.



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