
Some time ago there were some, ahem, vigorous threads on ubuntu-devel
about various aspects of the developer membership processes.

One aspect which the DMB would like to lead an effort to improve, in
consultation with the wider developer body, is the Ubuntu Contributing
Developer status.

This is a way for individuals to gain project membership by way of their
contributions to Ubuntu development. It confers no upload powers and no
additional rights or responsibilities beyond those of any other Ubuntu

Please visit the page


to see our current documentation about what an Ubuntu Contributing
Developer is.

Now, to the questions

  - Is the current documentation clear enough about what one must do to
        become a contributing developer?
  - Is the name Ubuntu Contributing Developer itself clear enough? Does
        it communicate the fact that this is “only” a way of getting project
  - In general, are we clear enough about the fact that upload access is
        /not/ a linear progression? i.e. if an individual wishes to apply
        for one team there is no requirement to go through any other.

Remember, the page linked above is on a wiki so please be bold and make
improvememnts when you can see opportunity to do so. Concrete
suggestions for improvements are preferred. :-)


Iain Lane                                  [ i...@orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer                                   [ la...@debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ la...@ubuntu.com ]
PhD student                                       [ i...@cs.nott.ac.uk ]

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