I've been using gnu/linux as my main daily work system for about 12 years, and 
been using Ubuntu since Feisty (2007?).  Some of my games have even made it 
into the repository.  Ubuntu's great stuff.

Every once in a while, in my work, or due to a leak/bug in some application 
(e.g., Firefox), one process will start allocating an unexpected amount of 
memory.  For example, if I try to process too big of an image by accident with 
ImageMagick.  As the process demands more memory, the kernel tries to provide 
it.  Other processes, including system critical ones, get swapped out.  This 
renders the system almost completely unresponsive.  Of course, as the user, you 
realize what's going on and try to kill the process.  But sometimes, when Xorg 
gets swapped out, and your terminal shell gets swapped out, and the mouse 
stutters... well, you can't really do anything.  Sometimes, if it gets really 
bad (like two processes in a swap war), even virtual terminals (cntrl-alt-F4, 
e.g.) can't properly log in.  Some keyboards (like mine!) don't have a SysRq 
key.  Sometime, hitting the power button is the only solution.

Obviously, this is user or programmer error.  Tons of people online claim this 
is "normal" behavior.  But consider the end-user experience---frustrating even 
for the power-user.  Yes, this happens on OSX and Windows sometimes too, but... 
you know, Linux can do better than that!  It should be rock solid no matter 
what your processes do.

If you look at how the kernel handles CPU hogging processes, it hardly affects 
the system responsiveness at all (great!).  But when it comes to RAM-hogging 
processes, the kernel allows one process to dominate, by default.  And 
/etc/security/limits.conf has been de-toothed since 2.4.30 to ignore the rss 
limit that could help with this problem (and limits.conf ships with all limits 
off by default anyway).

Enter the new (as of 2.6.24) kernel feature:  cgroups

Here, we can set a hard RSS limit for all processes of a given user, or even 
group of users.  A limit on the total.  Which is actually what we want, and 
better than a per-process limit.  If a user spawns several memory-hungry 
processes at the same time, a per-process limit would still allow Xorg to get 
swapped out.  But a group limit can ensure there's always some physical RAM 
left for critical (root-owned) processes.

I've tried cgroups on my system (basically setting a limit for myself that is a 
portion of my physical RAM, leaving enough RAM for system critical processes 
always).  And the results are DRAMATIC.  No matter what I do, the system never 
becomes unresponsive now.  Even in the biggest swap war between MY processes, I 
can still switch virtual desktops instantly, switch windows, kill a process, 

After 12 years of suffering from this occasional (and pretty much only) 
instability of Linux, I think I've finally fixed it.

Of course, I had to install libcgroup1 and cgroup-bin, which weren't there by 
default.  And I had to study the (extremely complicated) cgroup documentation 
to get this setup for myself.  Unlikely that most users are going to go out of 
their way to set this up.

FINALLY, after all that background, here's my suggestion:  

Why isn't this the DEFAULT configuration for desktop users?  Set some fraction 
of physical RAM aside for system-critical processes, and then give the users 
the rest with a cgroup.  Then, the user's system would never become 
unresponsive due to user error.  And I can't think of a situation when you'd 
really WANT to have all physical RAM devoted to a user process at the expense 
of system-critical processes.  At least not in a desktop environment.

You know, the default Ubuntu behavior is not to dump core files (so as not to 
waste disk space of unsuspecting users).  I think all non-root user processes 
should be in a RAM-limited cgroup as default Ubuntu behavior (so as to never 
cause unsuspecting users to reach for the power button as a last resort).


And pasted below is a description of what I did (on my 512MB system).  Simple, 
assuming you can figure out how to do it.

Thanks for your time,

$ sudo apt-get install libcgroup1 cgroup-bin

Then, edit /etc/cgconf.conf to add a new control group:

group regularUsers {
    memory {
        memory.limit_in_bytes = 256M;

Then, edit /etc/cgrules.conf to add a given user to the regularUsers group:

jasonrohrer    memory   regularUsers/

Finally, restart cgroups (or reboot):

$ sudo service cgconfig restart
$ sudo service cgred restart

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