Hello everyone! As you may have heard, ubuntu has been accepted as a mentoring organization for Google Code In (GCI). GCI is a opportunity for high school students to learn about and participate in open source communities. Mentoring organizations create tasks and review the students work. Google then provides rewards for those students who do the best work. The contest is very similar to GSOC, but is much shorter, and isn't intended for intense mentoring. The contest runs from December 7, 2015 to January 25, 2016.

As part of being a mentoring organization, we are committed to creating 100+ tasks for students to work on during GCI. This involves finding mentors who are willing to write up tasks, and agree to answer questions and review the task when it's complete. A task is a simple item of work that can be completed in 2-5 hours. As a mentor, it's not intended for you to train or teach any skills; the students should have those skills before attempting the task. You can find a full list of details about mentoring and what it entails here[1], as well as on the community portal that describes our role and goals for the contest[2]. You can create a be a mentor for as little as a single task, and we appreciate all the tasks and mentors we get. .

In short, this is an excellent opportunity to reach high school students and inform them about ubuntu and the opportunities they have within ubuntu and open source. I hope you consider taking part. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, don't hesitate to get in touch with myself, Alan Pope, or José Antonio Rey who are acting as mentors for the organization. Look for some new faces in ubuntu soon!

Thanks for your consideration,


1. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GoogleCodeIn
2. http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/google-code-in/

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