On 28 January 2010 06:14, Reinhard Tartler <siret...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Do, Jan 28, 2010 at 00:06:52 (CET), Andrew SB wrote:
>> On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:21 PM, James Westby <jw+deb...@jameswestby.net> 
>> wrote:
>>> I would love to have something more akin to grab-merge, and again I
>>> would be happy to help someone work on this. I would suggest it get
>>> added to bzr-builddeb as that will make some things easier.
>> Here's a quick attempt:
>> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~andrewsomething/bzr-builddeb/bzr-grab-merge
>> Purpose: Grab packaging branchs for merging.
>> Usage:   bzr grab-merge PACKAGE
>> Description:
>>   This initiates a shared repository and then grabs both
>>   lp:ubuntu/<package> and lp:debian/<package>. Next, these
>>   branches are merged in "./<package>/working_tree."
>> Mostly I'm hoping that the ugliness of my code (I'm really just a
>> packaging monkey) will scare someone who knows better into stepping
>> up. =)
>> I didn't implement any changelog handling as that seems to be
>> in-progress elsewhere.
>> I suppose the real question here is exactly what features we want this
>> to have. Do we want to generate diffs like the current grab-merge? Do
>> we feel the need to write a REPORT-like file locally?
> I think a 'bzr st -rbranch:../debian' and 'bzr st -rbranch:../ubuntu'
> would be indeed interesting to have in REPORT.
> it would be great if grab-merge could additionally
>  - check the freshness of the import branches
>  - download the orig.tar.gz/orig.tar.bz2 files from debian

The branches are pristine-tar enabled you can just
"$ bzr bd" them and a tarball will appear in your tarball's directory.

>> Perhaps "bzr help grab-merge" should give recipes for the common diffs
>> that we want instead of actually generating them?
> Yes, that would espc. help people less familiar with bzr.

That's documented already in the Distributed Development wiki. See
tips section [1]

I did a similar script which just creates a bunch of shared repos and
pulls debian & ubuntu branches [2] It doesn't attempt to merge it's
just there to grab a few merges in one go.

To be fair the UDD wiki needs some love from people who used bzr for

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/Documentation/Merging
[2] http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~lucas/grab-branches.sh

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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