Author: sbalneav
Date: Tue Sep 11 05:42:41 2007
New Revision: 4330


Added multi-server setup from Francis, updated authors

Modified: trunk/edubuntu/handbook/C/bookinfo.xml
--- trunk/edubuntu/handbook/C/bookinfo.xml      (original)
+++ trunk/edubuntu/handbook/C/bookinfo.xml      Tue Sep 11 05:42:41 2007
@@ -78,6 +78,13 @@
 Jonathan Mueller
+Francis Giraldeau

Modified: trunk/edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml
--- trunk/edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml        (original)
+++ trunk/edubuntu/handbook/C/server.xml        Tue Sep 11 05:42:41 2007
@@ -992,7 +992,8 @@
                 <para>The host selection system is simple, and flexible enough 
to allow
                     administrators to implement their own policy on how they 
                     the load balancing to happen: either on a random, 
load-based, or
-                    round robin system.
+                    round robin system. See the chapter entitled "Multiple 
server setup"
+                    for details.
@@ -1792,6 +1793,237 @@
+    <!--multiple-server-setup-->
+    <sect1 id="multiple-server-setup" status="draft">
+        <title>Multiple server setup</title>
+        <para>
+            A multiple server setup is useful for larger thin client networks. 
Instead of using one big server,
+            it makes it possible to use smaller servers, and dispatch users on 
them. You can adjust computing
+            resources as the demand grows simply by adding a new server.
+            To make sure that every server behaves the same from the users 
point of view, new services and
+            configurations that are required will be discussed. In addition, 
some configurations specific
+            to thin clients will be presented.
+        </para>
+        <sect2 id="multiple-server-setup-common-services" status="draft">
+            <title>Infrastructure setup</title>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Network topology</title>
+                <para>
+                    The network topology is the same as a standalone server 
setup, except that
+                    there are more than one server on the thin client lan.
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    You will need to select one server to behave as the 
primary server. This server
+                    will be used to run additional services, hold users files, 
and network boot thin clients.
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    Secondary servers will be used only to run desktop 
sessions. They are simpler, and will
+                    be configured to use the central services from the primary 
server. Installing the package
+                    <command>ltsp-server</command> will install required 
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3><title>Common authentication</title>
+                <para>
+                    A user should be able to start a session with the same 
login and password, no matter
+                    which server it connects to. For this purpose, a central 
authentication mechanism must
+                    be used. There are many possibilities offered. Here are 
the major technologies.
+                </para>
+                <itemizedlist>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>LDAP authentication: On the master server, setup 
an OpenLDAP server.
+                            Configure each servers to use this LDAP server as 
the authentication base,
+                            with the pam_ldap plugin.
+                        </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>NIS authentication: On the master server, setup 
a NIS server. Configure
+                            each servers to use this NIS server for the 
+                        </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                    <listitem>
+                        <para>Winbind authentication: Useful if you already 
have an Active Directory server.
+                        </para>
+                    </listitem>
+                </itemizedlist>
+                <para>
+                    For detailed instructions, see their respective manuals.
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Shared home directories</title>
+                <para>
+                    Shared home directories are easy to setup using an NFS 
server on the primary server.
+                    To configure the share, install the package 
+                    Then, edit the file <filename 
class="directory">/etc/exports</filename> and add the following line,
+                    by replacing <command>secondary_server_ip</command> by the 
real IP address of the server.
+                    <screen>
+/home   secondary_server_ip(rw,no_root_squash)
+                    </screen>
+                    After this modification, the service needs to be restarted.
+                    <screen>
+sudo invoke-rc.d nfs-kernel-server restart
+                    </screen>
+                    You can define the mount point on each secondary servers, 
by editing the file
+                    <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and adding the following 
+                    <screen>
+ /home nfs hard,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,bg 0 0
+                    </screen>
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    With the default setup, the home directory of the user 
must exist before the
+                    first login. To create the home directory on the fly on 
the first login,
+                    you can use the pam_mkhomedir plugin. The NFS export option
+                    <command>no_root_squash</command> allows any secondary 
server to create
+                    directories on the primary server.
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Shared printers</title>
+                <para>For printers to be accessible on each server, the cups 
server must be
+                    configured to share printers. Refer to the CUPS manual for 
detailed instructions.
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Synchronization of packages</title>
+                <para>Once you install one desktop application on one server, 
then you must
+                    install it on all the  other servers, as well. Otherwise, 
users may not be able to
+                    use the same set of applications. First, make sure that
+                    <command>/etc/apt/sources.list</command> file is the same 
on each server.
+                    Then, list packages of the reference server. Using the 
primary server for
+                    this purpose is not recommended, since it may install 
other server packages
+                    that are not necessary on secondary servers. To build the 
package list:
+                    <screen>dpkg --get-selections > deblist </screen>
+                    Then, copy this file on the target server you want to sync 
+                    and perform following steps.
+                    <screen>
+sudo dpkg --set-selections &lt; deblist
+sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade
+                    </screen>
+                    Apt will install additional packages that are not already 
installed on the target machine.
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Managing the SSH known hosts file</title>
+                <para>
+                    For security reasons, a thin client won't connect to an 
untrusted server. You
+                    must add the keys of secondary servers inside the client 
root on the primary
+                    server. To do this, first export the key file of the 
secondary server to add:
+                    <screen>
+sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys --export ssh_known_hosts.myhostname
+                    </screen>
+                    Then, copy the file on the primary server, in the directory
+                    <filename class="directory">/etc/ltsp/</filename>, and run 
+                    on the primary server. Then, thin clients will trust the 
freshly added server,
+                    and will be able to connect to it.
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    If a secondary server changes it's IP address, then this 
procedure must be repeated.
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Setting network forwarding</title>
+                <para>Primary server will act as an network gateway for other 
servers. With this
+                    configuration, other workstations will be able to access 
the network behind
+                    the primary server. Here is an example of script that 
setup the network forwarding.
+                    We put it in 
<command>/etc/network/if-up.d/</command>, and make it
+                    executable. The script will run at each network start. In 
this example, the
+                    primary server private IP is 
<command></command>. It must be
+                    adapted for the IP address used.
+                </para>
+                <screen>
+echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
+echo Setting up the forwarding
+iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s $LAN_IP_NET -o $OUT_NIC -j MASQUERADE
+iptables -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT -i $LAN_NIC -s $LAN_IP_NET
+iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
+                </screen>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Replication of desktop profiles</title>
+                <para>If you customize user's desktop, then custom desktop 
profiles should be
+                    copied to every server. Gnome desktop profiles created 
with Sabayon are
+                    located in <command>/etc/desktop-profiles</command>
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+        </sect2>
+        <sect2 id="multiple-server-setup-config" status="draft">
+            <title>Session dispatching</title>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Define the server list</title>
+                <para>
+                    LDM is a login manager for thin clients. Users can select 
a server
+                    from the available ones in the host selection dialog box.
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    The displayed server list is defined by the 
+                    parameter. This parameter accepts a list of server IP 
address or host names,
+                    separated by space. If you use host names, then you DNS 
resolution must work
+                    on the thin client. If defined in the 
<filename>lts.conf</filename> file, the
+                    list order will be static, and the first server in the 
list will be selected
+                    by default.
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    You can also compute a new order for the server list, by 
creating the script
+                    <command>/opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/ltsp/get_hosts</command>. 
The parameter
+                    <command>LDM_SERVER</command> overrides the script. In 
consequence, this
+                    parameter must not be defined if the 
<command>get_hosts</command> is going
+                    to be used. The <command>get_hosts</command> script writes 
on the standard
+                    output each server IP address or host names, in the chosen 
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+            <sect3>
+                <title>Dispatching method</title>
+                <para>
+                    You can change this behavior by using a script to 
rearrange the
+                    list. The simplest way to do it is by randomizing the 
list. First, define
+                    a custom variable in the file <command>lts.conf</command>, 
for example
+                    <command>MY_SERVER_LIST</command>, that will contain the 
list of servers,
+                    the same way as <command>LDM_SERVER</command> Then, put 
the following
+                    script in 
+                    <screen>
+# Randomize the server list contained in MY_SERVER_LIST parameter
+for i in $MY_SERVER_LIST; do
+let "rank %= 100"
+TMP_LIST=$(echo -e $TMP_LIST | sort)
+for i in $TMP_LIST; do
+SHUFFLED_LIST="$SHUFFLED_LIST $(echo $i | cut -d_ -f2)"
+                    </screen>
+                </para>
+                <para>
+                    More advanced load balancing algorithms can be written. 
For example,
+                    load balancing can be done by querying ldminfod for the 
server rating.
+                    By querying ldminfod, you can get the current rating state 
of the server.
+                    This rating goes from 0 to 100, higher is better. Here is 
an example of
+                    such a query:
+                    <screen>
+nc localhost 9571 | grep rating | cut -d: -f2
+                    </screen>
+                </para>
+            </sect3>
+        </sect2>
+    </sect1>
     <!-- Network Swap -->
         <title>Network Swap</title>

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