Bonjour David,

J'ai aussi travaillé sur la traduction de breezy, et sur le clavier
canadien français.
Je suis prêt à mettre de l'effort dans la création d'ubuntu-qc. J'ai
d'ailleurs plusieurs amis qui veulent sûrement en faire de même. Je
suis tout à fait d'accord pour faire les démarches nécessaires.

J'envoie le e-mail sur les deux listes, afin que, pour une fois, on ne
sépare pas la communauté québécoise en deux.

Pascal Potvin

2005/12/5, David Giard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Pascal, si tu est prêt à mettre un peu d'effort je suis prèt à faire
> de même. J'ai d'ailleurs un site qui ne sert pas que j'avais construit
> pour Ubuntu-Ca. Ca serai facile de le modifier pour Ubuntu-Qc.
> J'ai déja fait de la traduction auparavant et elle est encore
> disponible et même que les fautes de français on été corrigé, certains
> paragraphes amélioré, etc.. ( Il y a
> donc de l'action aux Québéc. Nous ne sommes juste pas assé nombreux à
> utiliser cette liste, probablement parce qu'elle est principalement en
> anglais.
> Je me rend bien compte aujourd'hui que l'absence d'un groupe québécois
> nous à divisé entre Ubuntu-CA et Ubuntu-FR. Peut-être qu'un groupe
> Québécois serai la solution...
> -------
> IF you can't understand a word of french, i just told pascal that i
> was ready to help create a New Ubuntu-Qc group if he is ready to help
> too. I also told him i had a web site almost ready for it. (An old
> test site of mine that was abandonned due to the lack of interest for
> a billingual web site. The address is
> I did a translation of some month
> ago and there is a lot of modification now. It seems that there is a
> lot of activity in the french-canadian ubuntu world, its just that no
> one seem to use this list. Or maybe they just dont understand
> english... Anyway..  Maybe an Ubuntu-Qc list / team / web site would
> be better for all.
> ------
> Swe3tDave
> 2005/12/5, Pascal Potvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Moi j'aimerais bien un ubuntu-qc.
> >
> > And you guys of Ubuntu-ca, you surely know what I was saying here.
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Pascal Potvin
> >
> > 2005/12/4, Daniel Robitaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > > Ubuntu-be (belgium) is organizing and they're sorting out objectives,
> > > > goals etc. based on common stuff (like language, support, forums, IRC)
> > > > and differences (like geographic location -> advocacy efforts, events,
> > > > press, coordination, etc.). I think we can combine some efforts so we
> > > > don't have to duplicate work in order to take care of Ubuntu users in
> > > > Quebec. Right now I don't wan to start Ubuntu-QC although that may come
> > > > from others. I don't feel there's a big community in QC yet so perhaps
> > > > we can use existing resources and optimize time for users that may
> > > > require community support.
> > >
> > > I'm not sure where french-speaking users hang these days.  But they
> > > have been rarely present in the few discussions we have had in the
> > > past here.  But I know that a bunch have subscribed to the list in
> > > recent months, so they are around.
> > >
> > > > Unless there's any fellow "Québecois" here, this is just FYI. ;)
> > >
> > > We also have to to remember that not all Quebecois speak french, and
> > > not all french speaking-canadian are Quebecois :)
> > >
> > > But with that said, if I was located in Quebec, I would probably push
> > > a Ubuntu-QC that has some links with Ubuntu-FR, and some links with
> > > Ubuntu-CA.  This is not for political reasons, but for practical
> > > reasons:  Ubuntu-fr has quite a few french language Ubuntu resources,
> > > so it would simply make more sense to link with them for all sort of
> > > stuff.  But for more canadian-specific things, Ubuntu-ca would be a
> > > more logical ally. But due to the number of users in this CA group
> > > coming from outside quebec, and the language of discussion that tends
> > > to default to english, here hasn't been the most welcoming place for
> > > people who sometimes don't speak english that well.
> > >
> > > I suspect the Ubuntu-be model would be a good one to follow according
> > > to your post.
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Daniel Robitaille
> > >
> > > --
> > > ubuntu-ca mailing list
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > ubuntu-ca mailing list
> >
> >

ubuntu-fr mailing list

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