Le 15. 01. 13 13:43, nicolas trote a écrit :

Pour moi il te manque l'option "default".

Ton disque dur est un SSD? Car il semble que ton fstab soit optimisé pour les ssd? Si c'est le cas voici un passage de https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Solid_State_Drives

Si c'est un ssd met les options defaults,relatime,discard

Tips for Maximizing SSD Performance

Mount Flags

There are several key mount flags to use in one's /etc/fstab entries for SSD partitions.

noatime - Reading accesses to the file system will no longer result in an update to the atime information associated with the file. The importance of the noatime setting is that it eliminates the need by the system to make writes to the file system for files which are simply being read. Since writes can be somewhat expensive as mentioned in previous section, this can result in measurable performance gains. Note that the write time information to a file will continue to be updated anytime the file is written to with this option enabled.

However, this will cause issues with some programs such as Mutt, as the access time of the file will eventually be previous than the modification time, which would make no sense. Using the relatime option instead of noatime will ensure that the atime field will never be prior to the last modification time of a file.

discard - The discard flag will enable the benefits of the TRIM command as long as one is using kernel version >=2.6.33. It does not work with ext3; using the discard flag for an ext3 root partition will result in it being mounted read-only.

/dev/sda1  /       ext4   defaults,relatime,discard   0  1
/dev/sda2  /home   ext4   defaults,relatime,discard   0  2

Warning: Users need to be certain that kernel version 2.6.33 or above is being used AND that their SSD supports TRIM before attempting to mount a partition with the discard flag. Data loss can occur otherwise!

Wouha! J'avais entendu dire que le wiki de arch linux était plutôt bien foutu. Là c'est parfait!
Changement effectué selon les conseils.

Du coup je trouve que la doc de ubuntu-fr devrait être plus explicite. Celle ssd_solid_state_drive est très précise (pointilleuse) mais on ne trouve pas ce simple conseil: quels flags dans /etc/fstab? De l'autre côté, sur la page de fstab, aucune info sur la configuration avec un ssd.

ça mérite un ptit edit non?


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