On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 1:49 AM, William <wjck...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 10/24/2013 04:03 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 24 October 2013 18:05, chris hermansen <clherman...@gmail.com> 
> <clherman...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  William, I am with you. But still "remove windows" leaves the would-be
> ubuntu user to think that there may be a way to put it back later...
>  It is some time since I did an install like that, but does it not warn
> with a message "Warning this will delete all files on the disk" or
> something similar before it starts the install?
> Colin
>  Colin, Look at the screen shot part way down this post, it clearly
> states: Warning: this will delete all your programs, documents, photos,
> music, and other files in both Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.04.
> http://amjjawad.blogspot.com/2013/10/ubiquity-and-installing-ubuntu-and-its.html
> That seems pretty clear to me.


> Although since this is in fact happening, the suggestion made in the
> linked blog post should likely be implemented, but there should probably
> first also be an extra pop-up warning when people select this option.

While the idea of having a pop-up warning message might be useful for those
who are lazy enough (because they didn't read the 'first' warning), the
question is, will they read the 'second' warning or will ignore it just
like they did with the 'first' one? :) but, let's all remember that this
work will be done by developers and I am sure many will be involved to
approve it :) not sure how long that will take and how long we need to
carry on to discuss that.

IMHO, if it is not broken, don't fix it :D

> If they don't heed the warning the first time when they make their
> selection, oops. If they don't heed a second pop up warning, shame on them.
> But if they are so bad with computers that they still really truly don't
> understand what's happening, I agree with the blog post that they should be
> directed to a youtube video explaining everything.

Exactly :)
As my good friend IberĂȘ Fernandes mentioned, Windows Users are very much
used to "Click", "Next", "Next", "Ok", etc.

I am sure you all know what I am talking about. We all have been Windows
Users. Have we ever read the whole message? or have we only actually read
the very last sentence which is usually a Question and hit either "Ok" or
"Cancel"? :)

Why would we forget that now? I mean, those Windows Users who are newcomers
to Linux will do exactly the same. They used not to read. In fact, some
Linux Users don't read as well. I am afraid we can NOT blame the system
here :)

> We now live in an era where people who have absolutely no idea what they
> are doing with computers on a technical level want to install Linux. I call
> that a good thing and we should give them all the direction they need.

Well said :)

> The history of MS Windows is laden with repetitive "are you sure" "are you
> sure you're sure" dialogs because apparently a lot of people actually need
> that. Perhaps the obviousness of the warning as it stands is something
> people like us take for granted because we are computer inclined and
> everyone else really is that... dense for lack of a better word. I suppose
> we need to help the masses on board by whatever means.

What amjjawad thinks is this:
Support and Help and newcomers to Linux as much as possible but try to:

1- Educate/Guide them how to help themselves once, they will remember that
forever and will then start to do the same with other newcomers - Open
Their Mind, Make Them Think Linux :)

2- Take them under your wing and make them feel home but that does not mean
you feed them the Windows Way, they need to feel the difference and they
need to breathe the Linux Way of everything - Yes, step by step for sure :)

I know my way of doing everything is different from most of other people
but that is the real fun and challenge. I personally NOT looking for new
members who are using Linux the Windows Way, nor looking for taking over
all Desktop/Laptops and convert that to Linux. What I am usually trying to
do is to build a community of Linux Contributors who are NOT only 'using'
Linux, but spread it, educate themselves to educate others and be active
contributor to the best software on earth, that is Linux. This is, IMHO,
how Linux can simply take over Windows :)

I understand YMMV but this is me :)


Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
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